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Justice Secretary Compelled To Sack Off

Justice Secretary Compelled To Sack Off(추미애 교체 절실)

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카테고리 없음

2020. 9. 24.

She aroused nation wide(more than not) criticism and angry response because

all into getting rid of excellent prosecution general Yoon Seok Yul who more Koreans respect ever.

Her own political career got media reflected what she did in favor of her son who deserted army camp he belonged to.   When he went home on furlough, he stayed home over the term.

His mom's influence got exercised to call the troop head officer for his son to get prolonged

stay.   That is abuse of her official power as Parliament Political Party (for sitting government)leader. Why was she into prosecution renovations?   To prevent off their sharp investigations into President Moon whose daughter hit person dead while on drive, alleged "under influence of addictive stuff forbidden by criminal laws".   

She is as well criminal suspect alleged on behalf of her own son.

She tried to get away with it,  oppressing prosecution authority.

What will she undergo.   Get jailed or not on focus.

People got furious at her.   Survival?   Let us see.


온국민의 비난과 분노를 자아낸 추미애가 제거되나 봅시다.

제거하지 못하면 문의 정권수명도 그만큼 단축이 될지 혹은 정권파멸이 될지.

비겁하게시리 윤석열 제거하려고 온갖 음모다부리다가 자멸하나 보다.

이성윤 같은 간신놈도 빨리 제거되기를 바랍니다.

국민 무서워하지 못하는 정권은 반드시 무너지게 마련입니다.


다움은 절대로 블로거 박해하지 마시기 바랍니다.


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