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North Official Notice of South Korean Shot Dead

North Official Notice of South Korean Shot Dead(북통지문 공개못하나/피해자 순직 인정받나)

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2020. 9. 25.


김정은 "불미스러운 일 발생, 문대통령·南동포에 대단히 미안"(상보)

(서울=뉴스1) 구교운 기자,최은지 기자 = 김정은 북한 국무위원장은 25일 남측에 "가뜩이나 악성 비루스 병마에 위협으로 신모하고 있는 남녘 동포들에게 도움은커녕 우리측 수역에서 뜻밖에 불��

Breaking silence over several days after the incident, North responded with Official slip.

The mishaps happened to South Korean fishing vessel monitoring guidance officer, on marine.  Firing 10 or so round shooting dead as floating objective nearing to their shore at the time. Is the excuse you are nodding at.  Quite contrary.

North Kim might have being grudged at South Moon, after US-North summit failure.

Ever hostile since.   His barbaric personality showed crazy  exploding off Liaison Office

at  short notice.  Rampant hostility was coming near climax into local warfare.

Recent news runs like this:  North Korea could turn Trump Business ground.

Trump is no less crazy than Kim.   Two monster nodding at the joint venture in North.

Global laughing stock.  North slip not open to publicity.

Scum coward Moon is no up to due response.   His rigged support polls is due less 

than 30% presumed.   No above 40% support rate.  Dirty tricks.


나이 47세인데 겨우 8급말단 공무원신세.  월북인지 납치인지.

가족의 허탈은 얼마나 클까. 월북인지 사고인지도 불명확한 상태에서

순직처리는 잘될지 의문. 수사대상이 될지도.


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