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S,Korean Election Commission Head Office Server Renewal Why/Civil Vigil Monitor Watch


The server is holding election fraudulence,  votes box exchanged by hands CCTV monitored.

The very voting box exchange is the main substance fingered at the election commission

charged at, so that they are removing it away to a confidential storage., their intentions

to get rid of the proving Hard Disk hidden away.   Then Hard Disk got buried off.

All the scenario is chased by media camera and civil monitor ones.   The election office

fraudulence criminal ring is urgently driven to take evidence hidden away.

However they are all into coverage, Carrier Hard Disk is there existed.   That could be final prove if needs.   No way to cover criminal records. Civil vigilance is active now, even candles ready to follow up to final place.    Moon regime final crime is being monitored.  Seemingly they are hitting final dead alley.  Who is final buster?  Here you are.


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