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I have eaten countless Doum palm fruits. I lived in the desert of NW Kenya for awhile in Nadapal, about 12km west of Lodwar. These palms are super tough, one of the few things growing in the arid area (4-7 inches of rain/year avg). It's mostly children who eat them. This specimen in the video is pretty dry, if you harvest them after they turn red (but before they turn totally brown), they are juicier. The flesh is still minimal but when chewed on it is a lot like chewing on sugar cane with hints of ginger and brown sugar. It took me awhile to figure out the right stage to harvest and eat them. It is not advisable to eat a large number of them because there is so much fiber in the flesh it can cause blockages in your GI tract, which is why I always chew the flesh until the flavor is gone and then spit out the fiber, which is what most locals do too. The seed hull is crazy hard like you said, usually I would resort to a heavy machete to crack them open, and they do indeed look like tiny coconuts on the inside.
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