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Caracal's Ear Flipping-Shooting Jump Catch Bird Flying

This medium-size wildcat roams the savannas, deserts, and forests of much of Africa and parts of the Middle East. Its coat is typically a tawny or reddish gold with a white chin, throat, and underside. All cats are regal, of course, but the caracal actually seems to have a crown: Its large, pointy ears, tipped with black and tufted, are a trademark of the species. These extraordinary ears each have over 20 muscles that swivel around like satellite dishes to detect sounds of their prey. The tufts may enhance sound going into their ears or be used to communicate—via twitches and other movements—with other caracals. Powerful hunters The fastest of the smaller African wildcats, caracals are supreme hunters. Their sandy-colored coats provide camouflage, and stiff fur cushioning their footpads makes them nearly silent stalkers. Caracals are opportunistic predators, going after whatever they can find, including birds, rodents, mongoose, hyraxes, and even small monkeys. Strong hind legs allow them to leap up to 10 feet high and grab birds from midair with their thick, hooked claws. Caracals will sometimes climb trees and cache their prey, like leopards.


  1. Ear flipping supersonic response awesome. Missile shooting jump catches bird flying. What else animal rivals it? Split second shooting up agility jawdropping. The skin is so valuable alleged. Undergoing extinct? Basket ball player is sure jealout of it.


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