Every fall millions of mullet in schools larger than a football field travel south along the Atlantic coast of Florida. Tourists on Florida beaches watch in absolute amazement as thousands of predators ambush the schools of mullet in sometimes less than a foot of water. Predatory fish that feed on the mullet schools include: sharks, tarpon, jack crevalles, bluefish, snook, redfish, ladyfish and many more. The migration is often referred to as the "Mullet Run".
Many animals with horns can be found on the African continent. Unfortunately, many of these are hunted for their horns. Some species face near extinction purely because they are animals with horns! However, millions of these animals still cover the African savanna. There are many graceful herds of the Bovidae family to appreciate. Here is everything you need to know about animals with horns.
Koreans like to eat Muellet sashimi, and netting harvest let go here.
ReplyDeleteThat is why we do not see that much huge school migration.
They are spot even at murky brook or stream crossing industrial zone.
My block is near from spotting it.