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44 Wild Hogs Trapped over a NIght/Massive Trap Device

Trapping wild hogs becomes a problem-solving option for many landowners when the destructive animal has overtaken their property and starts to inflict damage. Many times a property owner might not even realize they have wild hogs canvassing the area unless they physically see the animal or start noticing visible signs of a pig problem. Just remember....wild hogs have been known to be aggressive, so anyone dealing with them needs to use extreme caution. In the 1500s, Spanish explorers brought the first pigs to the Americas. During the following years of colonization and the habits of free-ranging livestock, the pigs escaped their enclosures and established populations of wild hogs, which spread. In the early portions of the 1900s, Eurasian wild hogs were introduced for hunting purposes and they too escaped their enclosures, leading to larger interbred populations that spread throughout the country. As of 2013, wild hog populations have spread throughout 45 states and now inhabit regions as far north as Michigan. It’s thought that the spread of the species to these locations is due to illegal transportation and release into the wild by humans for hunting purposes.


  1. Good tips for farmers to try out. South Korea is no exception for wild hog hazzards.
    The wild animals are even dashing into heavy puplulated zone, injuring people who is widly escaping. Snow deep is triggering then into town for hunting food. Annual event to drive them off. One might try this trap device. In South Korea hunting is permissive for the hazzarding animals, but prior permissions, no edible. The carcass should be dealt in propper way stipulated.


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