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Rare Metal Rich Astroid to Grab

What are asteroids? And what's the difference between asteroids, comets, and meteors? When you think of asteroids, if ever you ever do, don’t just picture rocky celestial bodies, flying somewhere between the planets. Asteroids are much more curious and unique. Did you know they can contain huge amounts of valuable elements? Or that some asteroids can be unimaginably expensive? It’s true! Asteroids come in a variety of shapes and sizes. One of the largest is Vesta. Its diameter is bigger than the length of the Grand Canyon. The smallest asteroid ever observed is smaller than a car. Scientists call asteroids minor planets because they are too small to be real planets and can’t be classified as comets. Asteroids orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. _____________________________________________________ A unique asteroid hurtling through space puts our global economy to shame – with an out-of-this-world estimated worth of $10,000 quadrillion, according to a report. NASA’s Hubble Telescope has discovered “16 Psyche,” a rare piece of heavy metal that is one of the largest objects in the Solar System’s main asteroid belt orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, Forbes reports. Psyche, which is located about 230 million miles from Earth, appears to be metallic, unlike most asteroids, which are usually rocky or icy, according to the outlet. That is what makes the massive asteroid so valuable. To put its potential value into perspective, the entire global economy was worth about $142 trillion last year.


  1. Who is going to tap the right sized rare metal astroid and capture it to the Earth?
    One century away or within? It determines global top economic powers.
    South Korea is far lagging behind the advanced vying group?
    Who is vying for it ahead? Japan, US, Russia, China and what not you name it.
    My nation no hope up at all there.


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