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Russian Christmas 7th January/Рождество

Russian Orthodox Christmas Russian Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7th, according to the Julian calendar observed by the Russian Orthodox Church. Currently, the difference between the Gregorian calendar and the Julian calendar is 13 days. Starting in 2100, the difference will increase to 14 days, and Russian Christmas will thus be celebrated on January 8th from then onwards, until the next increase. During the Soviet era, Christmas and all other church holidays were banned (though many people continued to celebrate them in secret). Many Christmas traditions were moved to New Year's, which has been the most popular holiday in Russia ever since. Nevertheless, a wealth of Christmas traditions remain in Russia, including fortune-telling on Christmas Eve, singing Christmas carols (колядки, pronounced kaLYADky), and following a strict fast until the first star appears in the sky on the night of Christmas Eve. Russian Christmas Traditions Traditionally, Russian Christmas celebrations begin on Christmas Eve, called Сочельник (saCHYELnik). The name Сочельник comes from the word сочиво (SOHchiva), a special meal made from grains (usually wheat), seeds, nuts, honey, and sometimes dried fruit. This meal, also known as кутья (kooTYA), signifies the end of the strict Nativity Fast which is held for forty days. The Nativity Fast is observed until the first star is seen in the evening sky on the night of Сочельник, to symbolize the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem that inspired and led the three wise men to Jesus' home in Jerusalem. Russian Christmas is spent with family, and is considered a time of forgiveness and love. Thoughtful gifts are given to loved ones, and homes are decorated with figures of angels, stars, and nativity scenes. Many Russians attend a Christmas mass on Christmas Eve. After dark, once the fast is broken, families sit down for a celebration meal. Traditionally, various pickled items are served, including gherkins, pickled mushrooms, sauerkraut, and pickled apples. Other traditional dishes include pies meat, mushroom, fish, or vegetable fillings. A drink called сбитень (ZBEEtyn'), made with spices and honey, is also served. (сбитень was once the most popular drink in Russia, before tea took over.) Today, Russian Christmas meals are eclectic and varied, with some families following tradition and others choosing entirely different dishes. Many Russians do not follow the fast or attend church, but still celebrate Christmas, viewing the holiday as a celebration of love, acceptance, and tolerance.


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