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Wuhan Covid-19 Initial Outbreak Victims Total 500K Due Estimated/Why Bluffing Usual/捏造國家 印象

If Wuhan's antibody retention rate of 4.43% is substituted for 11 million citizens, it is about 500,000. Most of these people are most likely people who once had Corona 19 and then healed. CNN broadcast interpreted that it means that the number of infected people in Wuhan was ten times more than the 50,000 officially announced. Most of all, it is possible that the number was reduced intentionally or by negligence during the chaos in the early days of the outbreak. It is possible that the number of asymptomatic infections China excluded from the statistics of confirmed cases reached hundreds of thousands of people in Wuhan alone earlier this year. It is for this reason that China is already very nervous ahead of the Lunar New Year's move in February next year. With 470 million people expected to travel by train alone, Chinese authorities hurried to take action.


  1. Mainland China lost global confidence on its national updates whatever, more intensive false figures at every big issue events. Xi regime is more outrageous liar intentional alleged. Daily routines and national policy. No real updated ever.
    What is the total covid new more daily patiences there? That could be rigged.
    習政權 虛言政權 Fatal extreme.


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