DOME-DOM - A NEW MAGAZINE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-RISE MODULAR CONSTRUCTION Prefabricated energy-efficient eco-friendly domed houses and complexes made of polyurethane foam. Typical elements are manufactured at a plant in the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow from high-quality European components, have a reinforced frame and fastenings according to the "thorn-groove" system. Since 2012, we have been producing houses using Dome-Dom technology and have hundreds of completed projects. __________________________________________________________________ This estimating guide has been prepared by Natural Spaces Domes, Inc. for the would-be dome builder, as an effort to give some help in figuring the rough costs one could expect to pay for a finished dome, built on an existing prepared lot. Many of the inquiries we receive have to do with various degrees of owner-participation in the actual construction and with various levels of finished quality. We have prepared the following to...
The queer head gear got made of horse hairs, light but sustaining long hair thrown back balled on top. Even China don't have such light airy head gear humble farmers was used to, but ruling class had variety of its shape. Even king has its version in office.
ReplyDeleteThe fair takes every 5 days. I got used to the sight of fair or not. 60 years back when I neared 20th youngster. This bizarre sight gone off for good. Global trendy shopping mall
prevails. White drapery wears were made homemade no tailor one. Why white color is dominant? Because no dyeing stuff easy available. Called "White Ethnic".
Странный головной убор был сделан из конского волоса, легкого, но устойчивого к тому, что длинные волосы были собраны назад и собраны сверху. Даже в Китае нет таких легких воздушных головных уборов, к которым привыкли скромные фермеры, но у правящего класса была разнообразная форма. Даже у короля есть своя версия у власти.
ReplyDeleteЯрмарка проходит каждые 5 дней. Привык к зрелищу ярмарка или нет. 60 лет назад, когда мне было 20 лет. Это странное зрелище исчезло навсегда. Глобальный модный торговый центр
преобладает. Белые драпировки шили в домашних условиях без портных. Почему белый цвет доминирует? Потому что нет легкого крашения. Называется «Белый этнический».