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Korean Traditional Funeral Features/Традиционные корейские похороны

Hundreds of South Koreans on Friday bid farewell to Kim Bok-dong, a South Korean victim of sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II, near the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, where she has attended a weekly rally demanding an apology from Japan. About 1,000 mourners, according to the organizer Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance, came together for a send-off ceremony for Kim, who died late Monday after battling cancer for about a year. Despite biting cold, the organizers and citizens followed a hearse carrying the deceased from Seoul Plaza to the location of the ceremony, where the Japanese Embassy used to be.
Back then no hearse transportation to burial site. The proecession is slow step by step. Every community keeps funeral equips and tools in funersl storage near trodden path.


  1. The video shows family farewell bid toward to hearse.
    Bizarre wearing is no more practiced. It is stipulated in Confucius instructions.
    No more cumbersome rituals, only a few celebrity family down might follow suit.
    Direct family or close one wear such mourning, remote having only head wear.
    All the funeral got simplified, paying final bidding done at hospital funeral service.

  2. На видео видно, как семья прощается с катафалком.
    Причудливое ношение больше не практикуется. Это оговорено в инструкциях Конфуция. Больше никаких обременительных ритуалов, только несколько семей знаменитостей могут последовать их примеру. Прямые родственники или близкие носят такой траур, удаленные - только головной убор.
    Все похороны упростились, заключительные ставки были сделаны на похоронах в больнице.


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