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Samurai belongs to ruling class over Edo era, permissive killing common people when something went wrong in the sense of moral obligations. Say they got jurisdictional power beheading one who killed his own parent. His head put on cart going around community for people to watch it and feel justice done at samurai hand. Samurai gripped power is abusive on and off, monitored by supervision. Japanese civilian is submissive to public figures even though they are grievance at them. But no hard driving revolt like seen in South Korea where several times shifted regimes but Japan has no flipped power shift, but only one unique instnace. Voters are at odds with regime, but no any powerful rally up to kick off ruling regime. __________________________________________________ Самурай принадлежит к правящему классу эпохи Эдо, снисходительно убивая простых людей, когда что-то пошло не так с точки зрения моральных обязательств. Скажем, у них есть юрисдикционная власть обезглавить того, кто ...
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American bride is living at outskirt of Seoul where more rural ambiance is afloat. At moment middle of summer. One of 3 most heat peak spells, called Chobok, is in, Muggy steamy heat days going on, that is why you need energy boosting food. She is prepaaring for the specific food, chicken stew called "Samgyetang". Here you are watcging the kitchen where she is busy at it. Let us follow her through the cusinary process.

Ramen Combined with Fried Rice/拉麵炒飯

Fabulous Billiard Magic/工程神話般的台球曲線魔術

Hello, I'm the Bilardo Matematiği (Billiard Math). Youtube is my biggest passion. I'm uploading new videos every week for the world billiards family. I share a lot of videos on my channel like billiards, carom, 3-cushion, best-amazing-trick shots, basic, systems, lessons, trainings, techniques, how to play, Semih saygıner, Frederic Caudron, D. Jaspers, Daniel Sanchez, Murat Tüzül... and so on. I am working hard in doing these things and I am in great pleasure. SUBSCRIBE to this great family immediately! __________________________________________________ 안녕하세요, 저는 Bilardo Matematiği (Billiard Math)입니다. 유튜브는 제 가장 큰 열정입니다. 전 세계 당구 가족을 위해 매주 새로운 동영상을 업로드하고 있습니다. 내 채널에서 당구, 캐롬, 3 쿠션, 최고의 놀라운 트릭 샷, 기본, 시스템, 레슨, 교육, 기술, 게임 방법, Semih saygıner, Frederic Caudron, D. Jaspers, Daniel과 같은 많은 동영상을 공유합니다. Sanchez, Murat Tüzül ... 등등. 저는 이러한 일을하기 위해 열심히 노력하고 있으며 매우 기쁩니다. __________________________________________________ こんにちは、BilardoMatematiği(ビリヤード数学)です。 Youtubeは私の最大の情熱です。 私は毎週、世界のビリヤードファ...

Jewish Celebrating Purim/Commeration Surviving Persian Ethnic Termination Plot//紀念活動倖存的波斯族裔種族滅絕圖 The jolly Jewish holiday of Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar (late winter/early spring). Purim 2021 begins on Thursday night, February 25 and continues through Friday, February 26, (extending through Sunday in Jerusalem). It commemorates the (Divinely orchestrated) salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian empire from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” Literally “lots” in ancient Persian, Purim was thus named since Haman had thrown lots to determine when he would carry out his diabolical scheme, as recorded in the Megillah (book of Esther). __________________________________________________ Purim節的猶太節日快樂是每年在希伯來語Adar的14日(冬末/初春)慶祝的。 Purim節2021年於2月25日星期四晚上開始,一直持續到2月26日星期五(一直持續到耶路撒冷的星期日)。 它紀念了從哈曼(Haman)的陰謀“在一天之內消滅,殺害和殲滅所有猶太人,不論男女老幼”對古波斯帝國猶太人民的救贖。 從字面上看,在古波斯語中是“地段”,Purim節之所以得名...

Doctor Tips Responding Leg-calf Muscle Cramp/醫生提示應對小腿肌肉痙攣

I am used to hit the pulse paralized me. Terrible leg bump suddenly crippled me frequently whenever walked distance. What is your instant response at it? One of tips is magnesium supplement helping. Barely limping to bath, getting warm to heat shower on the sharp ached part. It is the only massage to deal. What is yours? Here goes good tips by Korea acuppunture doctor. Mine is chronic every once in a while, even relapsing 4~5 over a night. I am chronic diabetic as well, that triggers that often? Warm going heat water shower massage is the only resort. I would like to get your comment if possible, but no comment line given. Even I cna't hit other bloggs out of this website, what is up? Schemed that way I am wondering. __________________________________________________ 我習慣於打我的脈搏。 每當走路時,可怕的腿bump突然突然使我癱瘓。 您對此有何即時反應? 技巧之一是補充鎂。 勉強行洗澡,變熱以加熱尖銳的疼痛部位。 這是唯一可以做的按摩。 你是什麼人 這是韓國針灸醫生的好建議。 每隔一段時間就會發生慢性病,甚至在一夜之間復發4〜5次。 我也是慢性糖尿病患者,這經常觸發嗎? 溫暖的熱水淋浴按摩是唯一的手段。 如果可以的話,我想收到您的評論,但未提供評論行。 即使我也沒有從...

Glacier Cave 山西 China 3 Million Years Old/中國山西冰川洞穴已有300萬年曆史 White stalactites hang down from every surface, and the walls and floors are glazed with thick ice. The Ningwu ice cave, also referred to as Wannian Ice Cave in Ningwu County, China, is a unique phenomenon: The subterranean space stays frozen all year long, a ‘natural freezer’ despite the sometimes 70F (21C) summer temperatures outside the cave. How? From Science News: __________________________________________________ 흰색 종유석이 모든 표면에 매달려 있고 벽과 바닥은 두꺼운 얼음으로 덮여 있습니다. 중국 닝 우현의 완 니안 얼음 동굴이라고도 불리는 닝우 얼음 동굴은 독특한 현상입니다. 동굴 밖에서 때때로 70F (21C)의 여름 기온에도 불구하고 지하 공간은 1 년 내내 얼어 붙은 '자연 냉동고'입니다. 어떻게? 과학 뉴스에서 : __________________________________________________ Белые сталактиты свисают со всех сторон, а стены и полы покрыты толстым слоем льда. Ледяная пещера Нинву, также известная как Ледяная пещера Ваньнян в округе Нинву, Китай, представляет собой уникальное явление: подземное пространство остается за...