Samurai belongs to ruling class over Edo era, permissive killing common people when something went wrong in the sense of moral obligations. Say they got jurisdictional power beheading one who killed his own parent. His head put on cart going around community for people to watch it and feel justice done at samurai hand. Samurai gripped power is abusive on and off, monitored by supervision. Japanese civilian is submissive to public figures even though they are grievance at them. But no hard driving revolt like seen in South Korea where several times shifted regimes but Japan has no flipped power shift, but only one unique instnace. Voters are at odds with regime, but no any powerful rally up to kick off ruling regime. __________________________________________________ Самурай принадлежит к правящему классу эпохи Эдо, снисходительно убивая простых людей, когда что-то пошло не так с точки зрения моральных обязательств. Скажем, у них есть юрисдикционная власть обезглавить того, кто ...
American bride is living at outskirt of Seoul where more rural ambiance is afloat. At moment middle of summer. One of 3 most heat peak spells, called Chobok, is in, Muggy steamy heat days going on, that is why you need energy boosting food. She is prepaaring for the specific food, chicken stew called "Samgyetang". Here you are watcging the kitchen where she is busy at it. Let us follow her through the cusinary process.