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Showing posts from September, 2020

Facebook Community Summit Honored Me Join It/Epic 10 Years Event

  I would like to watch what is going on there. How many a Korean is invited there?  How many a Japanese? A great deal of Chinese ones should get thronged there, and Indians. Middle east elites as well.  Any north Korean?   Tae Young-ho should get listed presumed Most of Jewish there, they are smart English spoken.   Judie Amsel there.. Bernie Radel  should be  VIP member, with most Aussie. Facebook App  plans to go live. S e p t e m b e r   2 5   a t   1 : 0 4   A M    ·  You’re invited! Join us live on October 1, 2020 for the Facebook Communities Summit Keynote and to celebrate 10 years of Facebook Groups. Tune in to hear our latest announcements and learn how it'll be easier than ever to connect with more of what you love. RSVP below! FRIDAY AT 1:00 AM Facebook Communities Summit Keynote 2020 890194 people are interested

North Apology Slip Vindicated Official?

  250? some words slip reflects genuine apology, signed by Kim Jong Un.  Authentic north slip or cooked by Park Ji-won is nobody tapped to verify at it. All of sudden the message crossed border by north hands, or cooked by South hand.. The slip got affirmed by South expert., having national emblem signed by Kim. If the international justice court stepped in the authenticity  then it could get disclosed Myself is highly doubtful.

S,Korean Election Commission Head Office Server Renewal Why/Civil Vigil Monitor Watch

  The server is holding election fraudulence,  votes box exchanged by hands CCTV monitored. The very voting box exchange is the main substance fingered at the election commission charged at, so that they are removing it away to a confidential storage., their intentions to get rid of the proving Hard Disk hidden away.   Then Hard Disk got buried off. All the scenario is chased by media camera and civil monitor ones.   The election office fraudulence criminal ring is urgently driven to take evidence hidden away. However they are all into coverage, Carrier Hard Disk is there existed.   That could be final prove if needs.   No way to cover criminal records. Civil vigilance is active now, even candles ready to follow up to final place.    Moon regime final crime is being monitored.  Seemingly they are hitting final dead alley.  Who is final buster?  Here you are.

Comfort Woman Statue Commemorated in Berlin

  Why does comfort woman look like girl or teen?  At the very teen age they got hoaxed up to work for warfare goods industry.  That is why young girl imagery  is more appealing global audience or tourists.  Schemed for comfort woman they could not be honest to take them to war front zone.  They ripped off unsuspected pure  girls to troops for sexual slavery. Forced Korean Labor was staggering hundreds k strong, for mine works, underground tunnel for battle facility. Mainly they are forced to do coal mine works with bare hands like slavery. No enough rest or sleep.  Even food was scanty for war stricken economy no affordable to feed them enough.   Full scale slavery, but no money given. That is why Korean court sentenced concerned industry like Mitzubishi  to compensations. German Leaders knelt down to apologize their war crimes, but Japanese one never was so sincere.  A few did, but most of them showed no remorse or apology, ra...

Korean Indoor Spacious Garden Cafe

  Spacious indoor garden additional relaxation ambiance, while we say healing  mood kicks off.  Botanical plants spews specific aroma all over, letting you inhale more healthy airs afloat.  You will enjoy forest bathing over coffee.    Pandemic stricken society is craving for more natural ambiance. In South Korea we say healing efficacy right here, social settings, but no corona easy  spreading place.    Still am I stay put at my home for the best bet. 80 years no need come to works.    피치톤이라는 우리말 영어로는 안떠요.

Garden Cafe or View Cafe at Resort

  Cafe is every where, down town or residential zone as well. Suburb is more spot cafe than restaurant of eatery, drink cafe is relaxing viewing good scenery.   With family quality times there.  Cafe  serves snack or breads if asked for, that is why more cafe-restaurant come by. as trendy.  Cafe is prime drink at gathering table, while we were young main drink is alcoholic.  Driving car should go for none alcoholic sober drink, say cafe or tea.   Tea is wane while cafe is wax. Cafe is cultural drink in Korea as much as your one.

New Paradigm Korean Petitions To President /Taking Dynastic Lingual Phrases

  The lingual style is outdated queer fashion appealing to King, in the form uttering  unfair national affairs or influencing powers at the expense of people's interests. One of intelligent civilians is voicing out wrongs done, but his real name unknown and his face photo undisclosed. Say your petition in style English, say medium aged or Shakespeare one.  Roaring response is favoring him for craving voices, His nick name Jinin Cho Un-san. He once protested against Moon's Cabinet Home Secretary Kim Hyun-mi and Justice one Chu Mi-ae, to replace them, saying former by "carp(fish)" and the latter by "dog".   Both are ignorant or unaware of people's interests only chasing selfish interests for their own behalf.   But none effectuated at all. Both prompted people ire, internet protest trafficking brimming over.. Now got afloat total inadequate phrase dubbed at North Kim crazy despot, saying  "enlightened leadership".   Yoo Si-min is typical l...

Warm Tofu Deluxe up to Tofu Crust

  Authentic Tofu landmark could be in China. Korean dynasty might have linked its know-how to Japan. Anyhow the delicatessen got more elaborate in Japan.   Samurai is demanding more exquisite food to offer to the host served. Whatever is done or made should be the top quality otherwise life is risked at servitude class.   When it comes tofu is from Temple in Japan. Tofu is replacing protein food made at temple, because meat or fish is forbidden for same quality life as human being.   Tofu is good next to them nutrition wise and taste. Who is the first hand made it out of soybean?   No document detailed on it. Far East 3 nations are well known about tofu and noodle as well. Tofu crust is developed in Japan only.   Scraping up crust off tofu chilled slowly required skilled hand.  Myself no tasted it, as we do not have such food given.

Victim's Orange Life Jacket Spot/Reality Cooked or Twisted

  Victim's Orange Life Jacket Spot/Reality Cooked or Twisted(군 주황색 구명조끼 발견)   bull   ・  방금 전 URL 복사     통계   Stinky Moon is again fingered at what is going wrong here again. Burnt and smoked away victim alleged, then why all of sudden orange obejective life jacket, which belonged to victim, spot afloat. Now people is suspecting he might not be dead , more likely kidnapped away by North Army. Troop guard concerned complaints regime is trapping them not to disclose the real deal of the mishaps. Serious cooking report on Apology Slip of which authencity is doubted, no affirmed by North Media yet. Now outstandng banners hit eyes as many as 20 or so,reading "Get Moon Jailed". Is he devout copy of Trump, hippocrite.

Bhuddist Cat in Temple on Praying Cushion

  The cat is cared of at the Temple. Monks or believers frequent indoor pray facing up huge Bhudda Image sitting on heightened stage looking down over prayers, kneel down and stand up countless.  They say 108 times. When both hands coupled, you are offering humility in solemn piety. Cat trained like that, no detailed at it.   The cushion is nice warm place for it. The monks love cat mimics or so.   The frequent visiting prayers side by side. Most likely staged up for cute gestures, letting prayers into more deep in somber psychic.   More tamed mind control leading to Karma. Who is devout believer?    The soul is offering Bhudda pious mind and body tempered. Real sanctity is none visible, but attainable at sit calm tapping deity, casting away selfish  grabbing pleasures or money.   Who is more devout monk or priest?  It depends. Even dog prayed mimics.  Why not donkey if you want.  But you need prey inviting ...

How I Got Through 9 Teeth Implanted at Block Clinic

  Implants Grilled Me Through A long journey over 16 months where I needed 5 teeth to get implanted, had put me a certain amount of anxiety, as my first two failed to get fixed with crowns(or capping)loose off in a while. This time around dentist have shown all the cares through all the months. They are well equipped with the the machines, tools, and gadgets imported from Germany or France, Belgium and other medical power houses. Every single patient could check out computed input right fronting face with clear images where the previous dentist can not hold candle at all for this one I got experienced since last year. So far all right, apparently well fixed and comfortable, as I can eat what ever food molly or some solid. Thanks guys for what you have done on me. They deserve to get known around in the neighbor or community, but I go whole nine yards to get public global. The bill is not easy over though, set me back as much as U$8000 some. In South Korea Implant Insuran...

US vs Korea President UN Speech Integrity 2020

  I don't care at moment what is stuff given at each of both.. Korean Moon's speech gives no English and Korean subtitle  only Korean important stress phrases, but no English subtitle given, while US one offers both language subtitles lined beneath.   Why is Korean one more negligent? Lack of speech diplomatic promotional dynamics. Korean is blind at English that is deplorable, even media is impossible poor at it. Shame on Korean English blind.    Wake up Korean to learn it, you are totally lagging  behind international diplomatic hard contest.  No longer English blind President. English speaking one is compelled to get voted in.  Come on Hong Jong Wook.

Korean Muscle Woman/Chopping Firewood at Breeze

  She is 49 old, but looks younger than her age. She carries heavy weight all at once. Her six pack belly is striking significant naked asked for. The muscles have come so natural by hard working as well,  of course trained hard herself.   Going on body building?   Why not she could go for it. Her elder brother does not look so macho pump. Rare scene in Korean Society and Culture, because should be feminine slender for female.   Her loose hair fair sex though.

"Get (President)Moon Jailed" /Banner Voiced Up

  (Full) Moon is exactly spelled the same of family name of President Moon. Right after Fishery guidance officer killed whose identity is yet to get disclosed,  nationwide emotions runs highly ebullient against Moon, who doesn't protest North Kim officially.   No voiced indignation ever floated out of his mouth. Kim's apology is no authentic verified, no total message let off to public general., Even if his apology voiced out genuine, most Korean won't let him go exonerated. No body seen the very slip in naked eye other than a few concerned, the message is cooked by Intelligence Secretary, no real  stuff said.  North media no affirmed it. Schemes or plots are so much in flurry to get fake believed , simply kissing up  most cruel regime boss, gangster king pin.   Marine security force is at odds with army office over the hot issues.   Moon's inner circle gripped the real deal, but people are totally in dark, no visual touch with....

Weaved Lantern Cafe Deep inner zone of Seoul

  Fascinated me lanterns all over with garden water pool gold carps moving around. Retro ambiance kicks me up to enjoy views given.   Why is the specific zone more commercial?  The only traditional residence dense quart is located near busy business street, where by subway or bus is passing by in most frequent flurry, and dense flow of pedestrians.  Original Seoul is right here centralized, beginning commercial and business area. The earlier residence caused derelict old needing renovations , but renting out for shops more income source.  Now is  cultural blended evening-night social stage for  youngsters more..  Tourists day times   When you visit Seoul, worthwhile to keep in mind. Korean cultures you might be able to relish a bit there.  

Jollting Nation Commenting Nightmares Kim "Enlightend Leadership"

  One of the most notorious social rants in South Korea dubbed Cruel North Dictator such title.  If he is standing comedian, triggers global roaring giggles instant. But he is one of the most known elite social critics.  Kissed up one of the dirtiest depots in the world.  Is Kim worth that appraise?  Gaffe slipped off? Nation wide prompted ire thrown at him. It feels like far more than half voters or population is hurling indignation to the sitting regime, fingering them at economic disasters,  80% more self employed business slipped back debts ridden or bankrupted.  Door shut business or shops are everywhere spot. One Billion U$ equivalent donated to Kim regime alleged. At the expense of loyal ally to US went whole nine yards to help world most cruel dictatorship fear of war strike phobia.   Military Agreement is lack of security details over non invasion assurances.    Moon is the utmost coward, only kissing up Kim. At this junctu...

Korean Tradition Residential Quarter Turned Commercial Cafe or Boutique

  Central zone of Metropolitan Seoul, but back alley of the quarter is garnishing  youngsters cafe or souvenirs boutique and eatery joints where they relish retro ambiances. Perhaps conscious of tourism new spot, but tight spaced shoulder by shoulder. European or American feels like claustrophobia if any, but Japanese wise might feel like  homey.  I do love such a place, more if retro adorable.  No car passing gives comfort relief for strolling along, I would like to join you there.  Dating course you might  call it.  Historical back then this zone was proud of ruling class residence quart. My city B(P)usan is lack of tradition residence quarts.  It sucks.  But we have Chinese zone and cafe wise lots of nice view beaches.

Korean Feeding Homeless or Hungry Christchurch New Zealand

  An aged Korean ethnic citizen there volunteered to do so.  Delight tips. Aged Korean, most of them got experienced starvation right after Korean War. Millions hit dead over the cruel warfare, hungry was daily matters.  Myself got through it with my family.  2~3 decades post Korean War Korean emigrations got trendy into wealthy nation for living wise comfortable.  Chong Shin Ki(정신기) 62 Years old is doing so over 13 years there Christchurch New Zealand. His own Samaritan charity got known to all global Koreans at least. Out of his own money covers the expense 200 bucks per weeks, no detailed at it. Can he speak English at all?   No mentioned it.  I guess he needs donations to keep it on. He is like being Christian(protestant), speaking Korean no English. Most Korean, local and emigrated wise, no spot speaking English. The very global tongue is the hardest barrier to tackle.   If he could appeal in English more compassionate donations hel...

Russian Elementary School Learning Korean/Why No Reverse

  That is a great tips ever heard of, showing very beginning to learn the fruits name.   The real stuff is to chat in Korean.  Real compelled one is the why no reverse, say Korean kids learning Russian.  Most of Korean children are obliged to learning English from more earlier toddler class, rich income bracket pay heavy amount for their kids to learn it.   Noun wise they pick up some words,  bit chat wise no heard of any.   Why so.  It is a puzzle for me to tap real questions.   Why Koreans top down no one ever come to speak English or Russian if possible.   If a kid speak normal English or Russian it could be a hot topics or epic event shaking  nation wide. No tips on it.   Not a single tips heard of, even teens no, even youngsters  no,  then who else is able.  The whole nation is English Blind.  Other subjects they are  doing very well. Say computer wise quick to learn i...

Bass Bust at South Korean Lake or River

Bass is one of top predators at South Korean Rivers or Lakes, so local fishery is ever intimidated That is why sharp javelin is designed to catch them and skewing up as well. Here you see how they are magic at busting mass of them. busted up their fast breeding.They are invaded sort drying out local fishery so far nightmares, luckily local snake fish helps busting the crowd .

North Official Apology Alleged/No North Media Affirmed it

Korean Regime security director let it out for publicity general.How the message handed to South, he was not sure of it, surmising telephone one. Korean audience is in dark what form of message is, international telegram, or fax one. No one of media visually affirmed it. Even suspected the message might be tricked, say ghost message, doubted by Parliamentarian. Kim Jong Un is of no persnality apologizing.

English Speaking Elite Eyeing South Korea President?

  One of South Korean Presidential Candidates, for coming term 2 years away, is English speaking fluent, learned at Stanford(JD) and Harvard(BA) as well. The first ever heard of such a good quality and caliber eyeing it.   But no sure of  his significant move on ever reported.  Almost no news, a brief lines if any recent. Definitely I am for him to go for it, because English blind President over 7 decades could not have English spoken summit, only Interpreter in between. For national security over hostile split North and South, confidential talks could be flurry, but interpreter could be leak source if any.  Summit vital talks hinged at  communication assistance.   Direct talks save times as well.   If epic incident happens more direct talk is essential.   English speaking is survival urgent. Global media interviews should get arranged for.   National Presidency is international  business concerned at great ...

North Official Slip to South Regime on Killing South Officer

  What kind of official slip is it, no detailed it. International telegram or fax one either one could be imagined. The slip hit hand of National Intelligence Secretary Park Ji-won alleged. But Security Chief of Staff(Seol Whoon) let if off to publicity general. Why didn't Park himself do it?   That is at odds with common sense. Let me reason over it.  Park is likely to be more favorable counterpart to talk with.  Once he delivered to north regime staggering amount of US dollars in person. Public audience is not able to notice the slip or verify it by naked eyes. Is it genuine apology or tricks no body is sure of.. If for formal apology slip, should be fax one carrying North Regime Emblem. But Telegram wise less significant official.  Some might throw suspect at the authentic value. South regime might trick the message itself because no verification. At least slip photo let it out for publicity, even if illegible.

Korean Natural Beach Landing Strip/Island Out Post(Baekryongdo)

  댓글 0 카테고리 없음 2020. 9. 26. The island is located north most facing North Korea and sensitive to China. Fishing industry is lifeline of the population there with surrounded with rocky formation scenery. The beach is as hard as paved road,, let small or common propelled airplane get landed, because the sand stretch 4km of diatomite soil quality.   This type natural airstrip counts only 2 as the other one is of Naples beach Italy. But we need jet engine plane affordable to land.   Baekryongdo is called in Korean. Geopolitical importance has plan to construct paved airstrip for the possible defense outpost against North and China as well.  China might be keen aware of our plans to move on.

37 Millions Chinese Students Shut in Precinct Why are they forced to  get shut in there?  Excused that pandemic triggers formidable strong or prevent political rally around?   The huge collective won't let it go further, craving freedom for stay home and study at college.The communist regime won't be able to pent them up in school no longer, otherwise explode. If US or South Korea, such unreasonable block can not sustain even over a week. So far they sustain on food stuffs delivered into campus, hit unbearable explosive angry emotions flurry.     무슨 이런 해괴한 감금이 있나.  전세계가 다시한번 분노할 조치 아닌가.

Jose Shy off Comment Deserving Son

  댓글 0 카테고리 없음 2020. 9. 25. Why isn't he going on  fair due rating or comment? For what does he reserve praising Son?   Ethnic disparage in his mind. No Korean reporter coming forward striking contentious topics with him. Come on Korean elite hit Mourinho with sharp talks to knock sense into his head.   여기 해설하여주는 유튜버가 영어소통은 한다.  비평은 조심.

North Official Notice of South Korean Shot Dead

North Official Notice of South Korean Shot Dead(북통지문 공개못하나/피해자 순직 인정받나) 댓글 0 카테고리 없음 2020. 9. 25.   김정은 "불미스러운 일 발생, 문대통령·南동포에 대단히 미안"(상보) (서울=뉴스1) 구교운 기자,최은지 기자 = 김정은 북한 국무위원장은 25일 남측에 "가뜩이나 악성 비루스 병마에 위협으로 신모하고 있는 남녘 동포들에게 도움은커녕 우리측 수역에서 뜻밖에 불�� Breaking silence over several days after the incident, North responded with Official slip. The mishaps happened to South Korean fishing vessel monitoring guidance officer, on marine.  Firing 10 or so round shooting dead as floating objective nearing to their shore at the time. Is the excuse you are nodding at.  Quite contrary. North Kim might have being grudged at South Moon, after US-North summit failure. Ever hostile since.   His barbaric personality showed crazy  exploding off Liaison Office at  short notice.  Rampant hostility was coming near climax into local warfare. Recent news runs like this:  North Korea could turn Trump Business g...

Korean Dynastic Nurse Eyed Concubine to Ruling Manhood

Korean Dynastic Nurse Eyed Concubine to Ruling Manhood(조선시대 의녀 천민/양반첩 신분상승) 댓글 0 카테고리 없음 2020. 9. 25. They belonged to slavery class, hard climbing class ladder back then.  The most common way out was snuggling into ruling class man's favor.   Concubine to one she could take class privilege and her off springs as well. Like ruling pack examination, they are chosen from the lowest poverty pack, through apprentice to the regular one. Topped favor is to take care of King.  They were even called to team up to investigation power, dealing female suspect, tapping body or so.   Why were they taken for granted for sexual prey, because of slavery class.   They are apart from palace menagerie girls, cooped in palace only, but the nurse working hours only at palace. Palace girls stay single lifelong. but nurse let go married.  Palace menagerie more doomed for pleasure, their only flipped over chance was getting fav...

Justice Secretary Compelled To Sack Off

Justice Secretary Compelled To Sack Off(추미애 교체 절실) 댓글 0 카테고리 없음 2020. 9. 24. She aroused nation wide(more than not) criticism and angry response because all into getting rid of excellent prosecution general Yoon Seok Yul who more Koreans respect ever. Her own political career got media reflected what she did in favor of her son who deserted army camp he belonged to.   When he went home on furlough, he stayed home over the term. His mom's influence got exercised to call the troop head officer for his son to get prolonged stay.   That is abuse of her official power as Parliament Political Party (for sitting government)leader. Why was she into prosecution renovations?   To prevent off their sharp investigations into President Moon whose daughter hit person dead while on drive, alleged "under influence of addictive stuff forbidden by criminal laws".    She is as well criminal suspect alleged on behalf of her...