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Showing posts from April, 2021

Ramen Combined with Fried Rice/拉麵炒飯

Fabulous Billiard Magic/工程神話般的台球曲線魔術

Hello, I'm the Bilardo Matematiği (Billiard Math). Youtube is my biggest passion. I'm uploading new videos every week for the world billiards family. I share a lot of videos on my channel like billiards, carom, 3-cushion, best-amazing-trick shots, basic, systems, lessons, trainings, techniques, how to play, Semih saygıner, Frederic Caudron, D. Jaspers, Daniel Sanchez, Murat Tüzül... and so on. I am working hard in doing these things and I am in great pleasure. SUBSCRIBE to this great family immediately! __________________________________________________ 안녕하세요, 저는 Bilardo Matematiği (Billiard Math)입니다. 유튜브는 제 가장 큰 열정입니다. 전 세계 당구 가족을 위해 매주 새로운 동영상을 업로드하고 있습니다. 내 채널에서 당구, 캐롬, 3 쿠션, 최고의 놀라운 트릭 샷, 기본, 시스템, 레슨, 교육, 기술, 게임 방법, Semih saygıner, Frederic Caudron, D. Jaspers, Daniel과 같은 많은 동영상을 공유합니다. Sanchez, Murat Tüzül ... 등등. 저는 이러한 일을하기 위해 열심히 노력하고 있으며 매우 기쁩니다. __________________________________________________ こんにちは、BilardoMatematiği(ビリヤード数学)です。 Youtubeは私の最大の情熱です。 私は毎週、世界のビリヤードファ...

Jewish Celebrating Purim/Commeration Surviving Persian Ethnic Termination Plot//紀念活動倖存的波斯族裔種族滅絕圖 The jolly Jewish holiday of Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar (late winter/early spring). Purim 2021 begins on Thursday night, February 25 and continues through Friday, February 26, (extending through Sunday in Jerusalem). It commemorates the (Divinely orchestrated) salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian empire from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” Literally “lots” in ancient Persian, Purim was thus named since Haman had thrown lots to determine when he would carry out his diabolical scheme, as recorded in the Megillah (book of Esther). __________________________________________________ Purim節的猶太節日快樂是每年在希伯來語Adar的14日(冬末/初春)慶祝的。 Purim節2021年於2月25日星期四晚上開始,一直持續到2月26日星期五(一直持續到耶路撒冷的星期日)。 它紀念了從哈曼(Haman)的陰謀“在一天之內消滅,殺害和殲滅所有猶太人,不論男女老幼”對古波斯帝國猶太人民的救贖。 從字面上看,在古波斯語中是“地段”,Purim節之所以得名...

Doctor Tips Responding Leg-calf Muscle Cramp/醫生提示應對小腿肌肉痙攣

I am used to hit the pulse paralized me. Terrible leg bump suddenly crippled me frequently whenever walked distance. What is your instant response at it? One of tips is magnesium supplement helping. Barely limping to bath, getting warm to heat shower on the sharp ached part. It is the only massage to deal. What is yours? Here goes good tips by Korea acuppunture doctor. Mine is chronic every once in a while, even relapsing 4~5 over a night. I am chronic diabetic as well, that triggers that often? Warm going heat water shower massage is the only resort. I would like to get your comment if possible, but no comment line given. Even I cna't hit other bloggs out of this website, what is up? Schemed that way I am wondering. __________________________________________________ 我習慣於打我的脈搏。 每當走路時,可怕的腿bump突然突然使我癱瘓。 您對此有何即時反應? 技巧之一是補充鎂。 勉強行洗澡,變熱以加熱尖銳的疼痛部位。 這是唯一可以做的按摩。 你是什麼人 這是韓國針灸醫生的好建議。 每隔一段時間就會發生慢性病,甚至在一夜之間復發4〜5次。 我也是慢性糖尿病患者,這經常觸發嗎? 溫暖的熱水淋浴按摩是唯一的手段。 如果可以的話,我想收到您的評論,但未提供評論行。 即使我也沒有從...

Glacier Cave 山西 China 3 Million Years Old/中國山西冰川洞穴已有300萬年曆史 White stalactites hang down from every surface, and the walls and floors are glazed with thick ice. The Ningwu ice cave, also referred to as Wannian Ice Cave in Ningwu County, China, is a unique phenomenon: The subterranean space stays frozen all year long, a ‘natural freezer’ despite the sometimes 70F (21C) summer temperatures outside the cave. How? From Science News: __________________________________________________ 흰색 종유석이 모든 표면에 매달려 있고 벽과 바닥은 두꺼운 얼음으로 덮여 있습니다. 중국 닝 우현의 완 니안 얼음 동굴이라고도 불리는 닝우 얼음 동굴은 독특한 현상입니다. 동굴 밖에서 때때로 70F (21C)의 여름 기온에도 불구하고 지하 공간은 1 년 내내 얼어 붙은 '자연 냉동고'입니다. 어떻게? 과학 뉴스에서 : __________________________________________________ Белые сталактиты свисают со всех сторон, а стены и полы покрыты толстым слоем льда. Ледяная пещера Нинву, также известная как Ледяная пещера Ваньнян в округе Нинву, Китай, представляет собой уникальное явление: подземное пространство остается за...

Rusted Home Appliances Refurbished to find Purchase/翻新的生鏽的家用電器找到購買的商品

대구 칠성시장에 있는 중고 가전 거리에서는 낡은 세탁기, 고물 선풍기가 새로운 주인의 손길을 기다리며 단장을 한다. 대구 곳곳에서 중고제품을 팔던 상인들이 하나 둘 모여들어 거리가 형성된 것은 30여 년 전. 지금은 250여 개의 중고 가전제품 업체들이 큰길과 골목들을 빼곡히 채우고 있다. 최근에는 폐업한 식당이나 업종 변경으로 쓸모없어져 들어온 대형 주방기구들을 판매하는 업체들도 많아졌다. 망가진 중고품들을 고치고 수리하는 박춘우 씨와 더러운 부분까지 꼼꼼히 살피고 닦아내는 김향옥 씨는 20년째 이 골목에서 가전제품을 파는 소문난 잉꼬부부다. 부부가 아침부터 밤까지 붙어 있다 보면 싸울 일도 많을 법한데 오히려 사이가 돈독하다. 서로 맡아 하는 일이 얼마나 고단한 일인지를 누구보다 가까이 지켜봤기 때문이다. 이들에게 중고품들은 곱게 키운 자식 같다. 열심히 수리한 제품이 팔릴 때면 딸자식을 시집보내는 기분이 든다고 이들은 말한다. __________________________________________________ In the used electronics street Chilseong Market in Daegu, old washing machines and antique fans are refurbished while waiting for purchase It was about 30 years ago that merchants who sold used products from all over Daegu gathered one by one to form a street. Now, more than 250 used home appliance companies are filling main streets and alleys. Recently, there have also been many companies selling large-scale kitchen utensils out of business due to closed restaur...

Pop out Idea on Recyled Novelty Gadget/新穎小工具的流行創意

Admiring novelty gadget recycling stuff. My mission is spreading worthy causes or psychic stuff.

Wooden Interior Renovation Quickens Soul/木製室內裝修加快了靈魂

Cute Fashionable Mask Prompting Petite Business That adorable one could tap demand. Feminine beauty trendy at it. Already there in market. Could be cute smart gift more than hankerchif. Go for it instead job hunt.

Chinese Hoarding Mentality Antique or Not/中國人金力畜積心理崔强

汪昶行,同濟大學博士畢業,與妻子Kim是校友。他們一起去過七大洲,五十幾個國家。家裡的收藏品琳瑯滿目,大部分都是汪昶行買來的,老婆的東西只佔小部分。不過他並不在乎自己的博士人設崩塌,“人生就是要玩物喪志,追求一個東西追求到一個極致,永遠收藏不完”。 __________________________________________________ Graduating from Tongji University with a PhD degree, Wang Changxu went to the same college with his wife. They’ve travelled across 7 continents and to over 50 countries. They have a variety of collectibles at home, and most of them are bought by Wang. His wife merely owns a minority of them. Although Wang’s not like a doctor in the conventional sense, he doesn’t care. ‘Life is about pursuing hobbies. You quest for extreme and never have enough collectibles,’ said him.

S.Korean Ship Yard Fabrications/8000Pieces Steelworks/1EA 40K Ton More//韓國造船廠製造/ 8000件鋼廠/ 1EA 40K噸更多

Right above is the photo featuring South Korean Shinping industry initial shipbuilding yard. Mr.Chong is founding father tycoon whoe also started auto industry. 전 세계 30%가 넘는 수주량을 자랑하며 우리나라의 수출효자 품목으로 불리는 '조선업'. 배는 수공예품이라고 말할 수 있을 정도로 배 짓는 일은 수작업이 절대적이다. 땀과 노력으로 세계 1위라는 자부심을 만들어내는 배를 짓는 사람들의 이야기가 있는 곳, 조선소에서의 3일이다. __________________________________________________ ● 철판 1조각이 4만 톤급 용량이 되기까지 배는 한 덩어리로 이루어진 것이 아니다. 수천 개의 철판이 55개의 파트로 모아지는 많은 공정과 설계로부터 2~3년이라는 시간을 거쳐 하나의 배가 된다. '토치'라는 장비로 평평한 철판을 배의 굴곡처럼 휘게 만드는 곡 블록 작업, 지상 70미터의 높이를 자랑하는 조선소의 얼굴인 골리앗 크레인에서 아래의 신호를 받아 조종하는 일, 특수 이동장비인 트랜스포터로 6400톤의 거대 블록을 실어 배의 몸통을 붙이는 작업 등이 이루어지는 현장. 개미처럼 작아 보이는 사람들이지만 그들의 손끝에서 거대한 배가 만들어진다. __________________________________________________ ● 용접복, 안전모 속의 다양한 얼굴 남편을 잃고 두 아이를 키우기 위해 남자도 힘든 용접을 하는 씩씩한 아주머니, 고된 노동과 소음 때문에 일을 시작한 지 하루 만에 그만두겠다던 조선소에서 7년이 지나자 망치소리가 돈 소리가 되었다는 아저씨, 33년을 다닌 조선소를 정년퇴직하는 여성 1호 직원, 서로의 일을 도와가며 함께 출퇴근하는 부부까지. 배를 만드는 수많은 과정만큼이나 다양한, 배를 짓는 사람들의 인생 이야기. _________...

Variety of Herbal Tea South Korea/韓國各種涼茶

I have memory of nipping soft bristle shoots of Rosa multiflora before bloom, peeling skin to munch, buds tea is picked when leaves bud and dried with care. It is fragrant. You may call it new green buds tea if you like. Here you see Rosa multiflora one. A lot of her own invented tea jars are lined up on shelves behind.

Cat Shrine with Cat Monk Japan/貓神社與貓和尚日本

Cat fanatics everywhere rejoice! A new documentary just came out called “Cat Nation: A Film About Japan’s Crazy Cat Culture” – it takes viewers on a journey into the unique, often bizarre world of Japanese cat obsession. Cat Nation is the latest documentary from filmmaker Tim Delmastro and it features British YouTube personality Chris Broad, who treks across Japan to document numerous unusual cat-centric activities such as cat themed cafes, bars, temples, cat-scented hygiene products, cats with human jobs and even entire cat islands. It’s a film about cats. And Japan. And a bewildered British guy. But mostly cats. >^..^

Log Furniture & Decorations Creating Antique Ambiance/原木家具和裝飾品營造古色古香的氛圍

Learned & Built Own House Remote Slope South Korea/學會和建造自己的房子偏遠坡韓國

1400 Y. old Carpenters Enterprise(金剛組) Japan/Taken Korean Dynasty Techs(百濟)//採取韓國王朝技術

大阪に“日本最古の企業”とされる建設会社があります。創業は飛鳥時代。釘を使わずに木と木をつなぎ合わせて荘厳な神社仏閣を建てる。1400年の系譜と若い世代に受け継ごうとする宮大工たちを取材しました。 578年、四天王寺建立のため聖徳太子によって百済より招かれた3人の宮大工(金剛、早水、永路)のうちの1人である金剛重光により創業。江戸時代に至るまで四天王寺お抱えの宮大工となる。 593年、四天王寺創建。 四天王寺を築いた工法は今も金剛組「組み上げ工法」に生きている。 1576年、織田信長の焼き討ちにより四天王寺焼失。 16世紀にかけて、大坂城建設に携わったと伝えられる. __________________________________________________ 오사카에 "일본 최고의 기업"으로하는 건설 회사가 있습니다. 창업은 아스카 시대. 못을 사용하지 않고 나무와 나무를 조합하여 장엄한 신사 불각을 세운다. 1400 년의 계보와 젊은 세대에 전하려고하는 목수들을 취재했습니다. 578 년 시텐 노지 건립을 위해 성덕 태자에 의해 백제에서 초대 된 3 명의 목수 (금강, 하야 미즈, 永路) 중 하나 인 금강 시게 의해 창업. 에도 시대에 이르기까지 시텐 노지 전속의 목수가된다. 593 년 시텐 노지 창건. 시텐 노지를 쌓은 공법은 지금도 곤고 구미 '조립 공법'에 살아있다. 1576 년오다 노부나가의 방화에 의해 시텐 노지 소실. 16 세기에 걸쳐 오사카 성 건설에 종사 한 것으로 전해진다. __________________________________________________ 大阪有一家建築公司,據說是“日本最古老的公司”。 成立於明日香時代。 通過在不使用釘子的情況下將木頭與木頭連接起來,建造一座雄偉的神社或廟宇。 我們採訪了1400的家譜,並試圖將Miya木匠傳給年輕一代。 三宮御用木匠之一(孔吾,早見和長治)由五穀重光公公在578年創立,受Shotoku王子的邀請建造了Shitennoji寺院。 直到江戶時代,他還是四天王寺的神社木匠。 於593年成立四天王寺。 建造Shitennoji的建造方法在Kongo Gumi的“...

Vertical Downward Growing Tomato Tempting

倒种番茄/西红柿好处多多: 1. 可以节省种植面积,打造一个小小的立体农场 2. 不需要搭建攀藤架,可以节约种植成本 3. 没有土壤昆虫,减少病虫害 4. 没有杂草 5. 可以增加种植乐趣和观赏性,如果有朋友来参观,这么酷的种植方法,他们一定会尖叫的 __________________________________________________ There are many benefits of replanting tomatoes/tomatoes: 1. It can save the planting area and build a small three-dimensional farm 2. There is no need to build a climbing frame, which can save planting costs 3. No soil insects, reduce pests and diseases 4. No weeds 5. It can increase the fun and ornamental of planting, if friends come to visit, such a cool planting method, they will definitely scream

S.Korean Granny Collecting Junks Owned 2 Housing Property Alleged/南韓乃乃收集垃圾擁有2處房屋財產

一位乃乃拖著一輛巨大的後車,腰部彎曲了90度。 無論意願如何,由於腰部僵硬,危險的情況很常見。 乃乃如此努力的原因只有一個。 是因為有兩個兒子 在過去的20年中,他為兩個因精神病住院的兒子每天工作17個小時,沒有假期。 但是有一個意想不到的謠言。 據說現任祖母有足夠的經濟實力避免做這種艱苦的工作……但是她為什麼不停止這項艱苦的工作呢? __________________________________________________ 腰が前方に90度折れたまま巨大な荷物を載せたリヤカーを引っ張っていくおばあさん。意志とは関係なく、今後倒れれる腰のために危険な状況も一度や二度です。このように苦労しておばあちゃんが働く理由はただ一つ。まさに二人の息子のためですよ。精神疾患で入院治療をする二人の息子のために、過去20年間休日もなく、毎日17時間を仕事されたとします。 ところが、意外な噂が聞こえてきました。現在おばあちゃんは、このような大変な仕事をしなくてもされるほどの経済力を持っておられるということ...それでもなぜこのつらい労働を停止ないでしょうか? __________________________________________________ A S.Korean granny drags rear cart with huge junk load with her waist bent 90 degrees. Regardless of her will, the risky situation is common because of her waist that sways in front of her. There is only one reason why she works so hard. It's because of her two sons, hospital cared for mental illness and she keeps at it 17 hours each day for the past 20 years without break for her two sons. But there was an unexpected rumor that she has enough money to sus...

Toddler Rescued from Dia.30 Cm 15m Well Bottom/News Revival/從直徑30厘米15m井底救出的小孩 __________________________________________________ Millions of Romanians watched the rescue effort -- broadcast live on Romania's three television stations -- riveted by the six-hour drama. Neighbors rushed to the well in the village of Pipera, using spades and their bare hands to try to dig the child out. Soon, television crews arrived. Unable to persuade Alina to grab ropes so she could be pulled out, rescuers tried lowering two other children headfirst into the well in hopes they could take Alina's hands and pull her to safety. But the children panicked inside the dank shaft and had to be pulled out. News anchors pleaded with viewers to call in suggestions for rescuing the child. As night came, a slender teenager, Oana Furnica, volunteered to slither down the shaft, her legs secured by a green rope lowered by rescuers. She plucked a shocked and muddied Alina to safety on t...

Tea Host no Facing Guest why?Japan/茶主人沒有對面的客人為什麼?日本 __________________________________________________ 茶 岡野園 茶は、日常のなかの非日常であり、非日常のなかの日常です。昔から私たちの生活に根差しながら、日常のなかに句読点をつけるような存在として親しまれてきました。香りに自然と心がやわらぎ、口にするとからだに優しく染みていく。ゆっくりと時間がひろがり、鳥の声や草木の移り変わりにふと気づいたりします。一方で、茶は禅とともに日本に伝わった歴史を持ちます。茶を通して、日々の営みのもつ美しさは新たな輪郭をもって描き出されてきました。 茶席でも好まれる仙厓の「□△〇」は、万物や宇宙・悟りをあらわすそうです。世代も国も越えて通じるこの禅画をもとにしたロゴデザインには、茶によって広くひとの心が通うようにという願いを込めています。茶 岡野園は昭和二十八年の創業以来、埼玉名産の狭山茶と茶道具の専門店として、親子三代にわたって営んでまいりました。これからも、ひとに、日々に、寄り添う茶をお届けいたします。 __________________________________________________ Tea Okanoen Tea is an extraordinary part of everyday life, and an extraordinary part of everyday life. Since ancient times, it has been popular as a person who puts punctuation marks in everyday life while rooting in our lives. The scent naturally softens the mind, and when you eat it, it gently soaks into your body. Time spreads slowly, and you suddenly notice the voice of birds and the transition of vegetation. On the othe...

Kabuyaki Japanese Cottage Fit to Farm Silk Worm/茅草屋適合農家絲蟲的日式小屋

How to farm silk Silkworm larvae are fed with mulberry leaves, and, after the fourth moult, they climb a twig placed near them and spin their silken cocoons. The silk is a continuous filament comprising fibroin protein, secreted from two salivary glands in the head of each larva, and a gum called sericin, which cements the filaments. The sericin is removed by placing the cocoons in hot water, which frees the silk filaments and readies them for reeling. This is known as the degumming process. The immersion in hot water also kills the silkworm pupa. Single filaments are combined to form thread, which is drawn under tension through several guides and wound onto reels. The threads may be plied to form yarn. After drying, the raw silk is packed according to quality. __________________________________________________ Как выращивать шелк Личинки тутового шелкопряда питаются листьями шелковицы, а после четвертой линьки карабкаются на расположенную рядом ветку и плетут свои шелковые коконы. Ш...

Growing Edible Under Nose

Beijing Couple No Buying Wearing over 3 Years/No Eating out over a Year//北京夫婦一年沒有外出就餐

27歲的余元,和她的英國男友一起住在北京,余元原本是個瘋狂消費者,15㎡的出租屋裡,可以塞上四五百件衣服。兩年前,她決定做個徹底改變,盡量做到生活“零浪費”,不用塑膠袋,也不買礦泉水,更沒點過一次外賣!結果在3個月的時間裡,他們只産生了兩小罐垃圾。 27-year-old Yu Yuan lives in Beijing with her British boyfriend. Yu Yuan was originally a crazy consumer. In a rental house of 15 square meters, four to five hundred pieces of clothes can be stuffed. Two years ago, she decided to make a radical change and try her best to achieve "zero waste" in life, without using plastic bags, buying mineral water, and never ordering a takeaway! As a result, they only produced two small cans of garbage in three months.

Painter-Author Couple Living Deliberate Distant Apart/Boosting Rejoy//畫家-作家夫妻生活故意遙遠分開/提升歡樂

台灣作家兼雜誌編輯曾泉希,2007年去採訪隱居荒山的畫家梁至青,被山野的生活方式吸引,當年辭去工作,2011年搬進陽明山竹子湖,正式成為居山人。梁至青在山中畫的大部分都是植物,曾泉希在山中每天只做兩小時編輯工作,賺取基本收入,大部分時間都在散步、插花。兩人各住一座山頭,彼此獨立,又常常互相拜訪。 Zeng Quanxi, a Taiwanese writer and magazine editor, went to interview Liang Zhiqing, a painter who lived in barren mountains in 2007, and was attracted by the lifestyle of the mountains. He quit his job that year and moved to Zhuzihu, Yangmingshan in 2011, where he officially became a mountain resident. Most of Liang Zhiqing's paintings in the mountains are plants. Zeng Quanxi only does two hours of editing work a day in the mountains, earning a basic income, and spends most of his time walking and arranging flowers. The two live on a hill, are independent of each other, and often visit each other.

Wooden(Paulownia)Heel-up Sling Flop/木製(泡桐木)跟跟吊帶拖鞋

会津桐から作られる「会津桐下駄」は、桐下駄の最高峰と称さる。創業明治45年、黒沢桐材店の五代目として、原木の伐採から手仕事による仕上げまで、すべてを一人で行える職人になるため、修業の日々を送る若者を紹介します。 "Aizu paulownia geta" made from Aizu paulownia is called the highest peak of paulownia geta. In the 45th year of the Meiji era, as the fifth generation of the Kurosawa paulownia wood shop, we will introduce young people who spend their days training to become craftsmen who can do everything from logging to finishing by hand.

Japanese Miso(大豆醬) Variety

Miso paste or soy bean paste is an essential condiment in Japanese cooking. Miso is made by fermenting soy beans with salt and koji, which are cultured grains such as rice, barley, and soy beans. Although miso is most often salty, its taste and smell can vary depending on numerous factors, including the specific ingredient and fermentation process used in its production. There are in fact many different kinds of miso with many different possibilities when it comes to flavor. The soy bean paste is vitamin- and mineral-rich and high in protein and is used in both modern and traditional dishes in Japan. Varieties: There are so many kinds of miso available from different regions in Japan. The color can be darker or lighter, and the taste can be sweeter or saltier. White Varieties: The most common kinds of miso are shiro (white) miso and aka (red) miso. The white varieties aren't really white, but are light yellow and have a sweet taste. Red Varieties: he red varieties are dark brown ...

Silver Tea(白茶)/白毫銀針/Серебряный чай

如果今天下午茶你想要喝一款淡雅茶香、茶湯口味沒有負擔、並且要夠耐泡。 那麼白毫銀針一定是要推薦的一款茶。 『 彷彿是一款用喝的香水』是眾人賦予白毫銀針的美名,其受歡迎程度甚至讓英國香水大廠 Jo Malone出了一款屬於白毫銀針的香水。 白毫銀針會如此珍貴,除了一年一收春茶以外,其製程複雜也是非常挑戰著茶廠的技術。 要使用數萬以上的茶芽,經過日光萎凋以及文火乾燥之後才能夠製成一斤的白毫銀針。 可以說是茶葉中的珍藏品。 再者就是白毫銀針的營養價值了。 白毫銀針味溫、性寒,長期飲用具有降火氣及調整體質的效果。 白毫銀針本身含的氨基酸是其他茶種的6倍,除了能降血壓以外還有助於養顏美容。 怪不得英國女皇會對這款茶如此地愛戴。 __________________________________________________ 今日のアフタヌーンティーで軽いお茶の香りを飲みたいなら、お茶のスープの味は煩わしくなく、泡立つのに十分な強さでなければなりません。 それなら白毫銀針はお勧めのお茶に違いありません。 「飲む香水のようなもの」は、誰もがバイハオシルバーニードルに付けた名前であり、その人気から、​​英国の香水メーカーであるジョーマローンもバイハオシルバーニードルの香水を発売しました。 白毫銀針は非常に貴重なため、年に1回春のお茶を収穫するだけでなく、その複雑な製造プロセスは茶工場の技術にも挑戦しています。 何万もの茶芽が使われ、太陽がしおれ、煮て乾かして初めて、1ポンドの銀の針になります。 お茶の宝物と言えます。 次に、白毫銀針の栄養価があります。 白毫銀針は、自然の中で暖かくて冷たい味がします。長期の飲酒は、刺激を減らし、体力を調整する効果があります。 バイハオシルバーニードル自体には、他のお茶の6倍のアミノ酸が含まれており、血圧を下げるだけでなく、肌の美化にも役立ちます。 英国女王がこのお茶をとても愛しているのも不思議ではありません。 __________________________________________________ 오늘 오후 티가 가벼운 차향을 마시고 싶다면 차 수프 맛이 부담스럽지 않고 거품이 날 정도로 강해야합니다. 그렇다면 Baihao Yinzhen(白毫銀針)은 추천 차 여야합니다. "마시는 향수 같다...

Japan's Pottery Professional(坂倉家) Tea Wares Creative/日本坂倉家的陶藝專業人士茶具創意

「一楽二萩三唐津」と謳われ、茶人をはじめ多くの人に愛される萩焼。360年の歴史を育んできた萩焼の宗家「坂倉家」の後継者。父・十五代 坂倉新兵衛の下で萩焼の未来を切り開こうと日々技術の向上に励む若き職人の姿をご覧ください 今回の作品を拝見すると、まずは大振りで堂々とした大道土の井戸型の茶碗が目を引く。坂倉家らしい枇杷色の肌に土味を見せる釉掛けも実に安定している。何より形が良い。若さと力強さの中に堂々とした高台・すっきりした口作り、今後もっと手馴れて落ち着いてくるだろうという粗さも含めて、現在の正紘氏を象徴する井戸型である。茶碗は他にもバリエーションがあったが、眼を引いたのは手捻りの盌。父である新兵衛先生は平成26年に佐川美術館と日本橋三越で十五代樂吉左衞門氏との二人展を開催し、そこで手捻りの樂茶碗を手がけた。その際萩では樂吉左衞門氏がロクロと手捻りで萩茶碗を制作。その近くに正紘氏もいた。その影響が少しあるのではないかと思う手捻り盌だろう。 いや、オブジェの造形の延長線なのか、手捻りながらも造形の変化に無理が無く納まりの良い盌になっている。今後はもっと抑えられた中にも動きのある、個性の強い手捻りの茶盌が出てくるのが楽しみなところ。 __________________________________________________ "일락 니하기 산가라쯔지"라고 불리며 다인을 비롯한 많은 사람들에게 사랑받는 하기야끼. 360 년의 역사를 키워왔다 하기도자기의 종가 "坂倉家 '의 후계자. 아버지 십오 대 坂倉 新兵衛에서 하기도자기의 미래를 개척하려고 날마다 기술의 향상에 힘 쓰는 젊은 장인의 모습을 봐주세요 이번 작품을 배견하면 우선 큼직하고 당당한 대도 토 우물 형의 그릇이 눈길을 끈다.坂倉 집 같은 비파 색의 피부에 토 맛을 보여 釉掛 승패도 실로 안정되어있다. 무엇보다 모양이 좋다. 젊음과 강력 함 속에 당당한 돈대 · 깔끔한 입 만들기, 향후 더 능숙한 침착 올 것이다라는 거칠기를 포함하여 현재 正紘 씨를 상징하는 우물 형이다. 그릇은 그 밖에도 변화가 있었지만, 눈을 끈 것은 손 비틀기의 盌. 아버지 인 신 무관 선생님은 2014 년 ...

Taiwanese Tea Culture(滌煩茶寮)/台灣茶文化

娓娓道來的茶器故事,有歷程、有學習、有情懷。「從這些茶器評賞與漳浦博物館收藏理解,閩南工夫茶的樣貌,並通過學習閩南地區及相關的茶文獻內容,一點一點地實踐回溯閩南茶文化的原型,而這多年的實踐與努力更多的是原鄉的情懷所蘊含的動力,期待多一些交流與分享。」20年前,那騎著摩托車的少年從器物的鑑賞走向文化的實踐,今日儼然已為茶之行者。王介宏端出滌煩的茶房四寶,非此不足以豪,待客自信有禮。滌煩主人王介宏有二十多年古玩經驗,除了玉器,他還專門收藏茶、香道具。他覺得在當下喝茶,應該找到屬於中國人自己的文化氛圍。無論是要學習宋代的美學,還是明代的喝茶習慣,都要去實踐。比如,宋代的抹茶,講究喝茶的儀式,要想學習這一時期的美感,就得拿宋代的老道具,用自己磨製的茶粉,打抹一碗茶湯。 __________________________________________________ 語られてきた茶器の話は、歴史、学び、想いに満ちています。 「これらの茶器と張浦美術館のコレクションを鑑賞することで、福建省南部の茶道の様子を理解し、福建省南部の内容と関連する茶の文献を学ぶことで、福建省南部のお茶の原型をさかのぼることができます。少しずつ文化。そしてここ数年の練習そして勤勉は故郷の気持ちに含まれる動機の多くです。私はより多くの交流と共有を楽しみにしています。」20年前、オートバイに乗る少年は文化の実践へのアーティファクト。今日、彼はお茶の旅行者になりました。 王傑宏は、傲慢とは言えない文房四宝を持ち出し、自信を持って丁寧に接客します。 ディファンの師匠である王傑宏は、骨董品で20年以上の経験があり、翡翠に加えて、お茶や線香の収集も専門としています。 彼は、現時点でお茶を飲むことは、中国人に属する文化的な雰囲気を見つけるべきだと感じました。 宋王朝の美学を学びたいのか、明王朝のお茶を飲む習慣を学びたいのかに関わらず、あなたはそれを実践しなければなりません。 たとえば、宋代の抹茶はお茶を飲む儀式を強調していましたが、この時代の美しさを学びたいのなら、宋王朝の古い小道具を持って、自分のお茶の粉を使ってお茶のスープを作る必要があります。 __________________________________________________ 전해진 다기 이야기는 역사와 배움과 감성으로 가득 차...

Alms Round Japanese Monk on Rice Stalk Fabric Foot-wear/施捨路日本和尚在稻稈織物鞋上

If you happen to be up and about in Thailand in the early morning (between 5am and 7am), you will almost certainly come across orange-robbed figures walking slowly carrying bowls. These are monks who are engaging in a practice called ‘Bindabat’ that dates all the way back to the time of the Buddha. They are collecting donations of food (tak bat) that they will then take back to the temple to eat. For many of the monks, this will be their only meal for the day.‘Bhikkhu’ is the proper title for a fully-ordained monk in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, and it can be translated as meaning ‘one who lives on alms’. The idea is that by getting support from lay people (the community outside the temple), the monks will not need to work. This means they can then focus all of their attention on their spiritual practices in pursuit of enlightenment. As well as offering food, lay people also provide other essentials such as clothing, medicine, and give donations to pay for the upkeep of temples....

Desert Remote Pension Yearlong Que to Get a Stay/Why not more built?//沙漠偏遠退休住宿/為什麼沒有更多的房屋?

睡在沙漠裏泡澡、看星空?美國的Rock Reach House民宿,就能滿足你這個奢侈願望!2009年退休後,Dave在莫哈維沙漠裏,蓋了這家只有兩間房的民宿,全年天天滿房。想要住進去,得提前一年在Airbnb上才能預訂上。

Monk's Disciplinary Paradigm Cooped in Temple? Why no into Social Move/和尚的紀律範式藏在聖殿中嗎? 為什麼不參加社交活動

Japanese Aesthetic Views Influenced Temple(室生寺) Structure/日本審美觀對寺廟生室結構的影響

Murō-ji (室生寺) is a temple of Omoto school of Shingon Buddhism, located in the city of Uda, Nara, Japan. Murō-ji shows its typical aspect of Shingon Buddhism, with its buildings laid on the mountainside of Mount Murō (室生山, Murō-yama). Unlike many temples of the time, Murō-ji was opened to females. For that reason, the temple is also called Mount Kōya for women. __________________________________________________ 室生寺(Murō-ji)是位於日本奈良市宇田市的真言佛教大本學校的一座寺廟。室郎寺的建築物位於室郎山(室郎山)的山坡上,展現了真言佛教的典型面貌。 與當時的許多寺廟不同,室町寺向女性開放。 因此,這座寺廟也被稱為女性高野山。 __________________________________________________ 무로 지 (室 生 寺)는 일본 나라의 우 다시에 위치한 진언종의 오모토파 사원입니다.무로지는 무로 산 (室 生 山, Murō-yama)의 산비탈에 건물이 놓여있는 진언종의 전형적인 모습을 보여줍니다. 당시의 많은 사원과는 달리 무로지는 여성에게 개방되었습니다. 그래서 여성을위한 고야산이라고도 불립니다. __________________________________________________ Муро-дзи (室 生 is) - храм школы Омото в буддизме Сингон, расположенный в городе Уда, Нара, Япония. Муро-дзи демонстрирует свой типичный аспект буддизма Сингон с его зданиями, расположенными на склоне ...

Creeping Hole into Tight Tea Room(待庵)/爬入密閉的茶室

正式名:臨済宗東福寺派妙喜庵 国宝:待庵 拝観方法:1か月前に往復はがきで申し込み 拝観料:1,000円/人 拝観時間:1時間 日本にある国宝茶室3つの内の一つであり、利休が設計し現存する唯一の茶室です。 待庵は、2畳のごく侘びた茶室ですが、光の彩光を考えてあり、屋根や柱の構造で広さを感じさせます。 また、灯篭や手水鉢(芝山監物寄贈)があり、庭の紅葉とあいまって風光明媚です 山崎は、竹の生産地としても有名で、待庵にも多くの竹材が使われており、障子や屋根の格子にも使われています。 また、茶室横の老松は袖振の松ともいわれており、この松から表千家6代覚々斉、7代如心斎、裏千家8代又玄斎が老松の茶入れをつくっています。 拝観時間は1時間ですが、見どころがおおくあっという間に時間が過ぎていきます。 説明は和尚さんがしてくれますが、とても丁寧で分かりやすかったです。 妙喜庵自体も歴史があり、杉戸の絵(狩野山雪)や利休像もあり、素晴らしい建築物でした。 妙喜庵は、JR山崎の駅前でおしゃれなカフェもすぐ近くにあるので、1日遊べます。 是非、ご家族、恋人と行ってみてください。 __________________________________________________ Official name: Rinsai sect Tofukuji school Myokian National treasure: Machian Visiting method: Apply with a round-trip postcard one month ago Admission fee: 1,000 yen / person Viewing time: 1 hour One of the three national treasure tea rooms in Japan , The only existing tea room designed by Rikyu. Machian is a very small tea room with 2 tatami mats, but the roof and pillars make it feel spacious, considering the coloring of the light. In addition, there a...

Granny Noodle Joint-Opa Shoe Booth South Korea/老太麵條台老仁鞋修

深く年をとるが、やるべき仕事を持っているとき、それは彼らが言うように祝福です。 そうでなければ、あなたの一日は他の人のように単調な孤独を通り過ぎています。 トピックのおばあちゃんは富の億万長者の家族を手に入れました、しかし彼女の夫はそれをすべて失いました、そしてどこにも未知に迷子になります。 現在、彼女はかなり手頃な価格のタグを販売し、空腹の胃に2倍の量の麺を提供するタイトなスペイシージョイントにかなり満足しています。そのため、高齢者が並んで集まっているように見えます。 賢い靴屋のように白髪は幸せです。 私自身は収入がなく、デジタルの世界クラスのビジネスにだまされていますが、私はPCに縛られており、Facebook、Twitterでグローバルにチャットし、ローカルおよび英語のブログを書いています。 単調で退屈な通り過ぎたりしなク、話題を盛り上げたり、それを探したりすることはあります。 私自身のルーチンは豊かで、学び、話します。 __________________________________________________ When getting aged deep, but holding job to do, that is blessing as they say. Other wise your day is passing by monotonous lonely like anyone else. Topic granny got fortune billionaire family, but her husband lost it all, then get lost into unknown nowhere. Now she is rather happy at the tight spacy joint selling quite affordable tag, serving hungry stomach double amount of noodle, that is why looks seniors gathering side by side. Like wise shoe booth's gray hair is happy. Myself is no earning income, rather duped by d...