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Showing posts from January, 2021

Gourmet Noodle(大地うとん) 福崗/Лапша для гурманов

Onsen Room Tatami Wet Easy-Unique Ambience/Комната онсэн, влажная легкая атмосфера с татами - Уникальная атмосфера

Tatami is derived from the Japanese word tatamu, which refers to the foldability of the rug. A Tatami mat is a traditional Japanese straw mat made from rice straw and rush grass. The inside is filled with rice straw while the outer layer is woven rush grass. The edge of the rush grass covering is bounded with a plain border fabric called heri that is made from the hem material. Tatami mat has a gentle, firm and hard surface. Support Posts Tatami … The Traditional Japanese Mat || Special Report It is not hard like wood but it is harder than a regular mattress. It is often confused as a futon. Some people say they sleep on a tatami when they are actually referring to a Japanese style futon. ________________________________________________________ Татами происходит от японского слова татаму, которое обозначает складываемость ковра. Коврик татами - это традиционный японский соломенный коврик, сделанный из рисовой соломы и камыша. Внутренняя часть заполнена рисовой соломой, а внешний ...

Family of 3 All Bus Drivers/Семья из 3 водителей автобусов

Father, mother and daughter Father and 2 sons.

Korean Labor Emigration to Hawaii Sugar Cane Farm(Tragic Slave)/Корейская трудовая эмиграция на Гавайскую ферму по выращиванию сахарного тростника (трагический раб)

On December 22, 1902, group immigration began in Jemulpo Port, Incheon, for the first time in Korean history. The number of immigrants was 121, and until immigration was banned in 1905, some 7,200 immigrants left through Chemulpohang. The year Jung In-soo first met his wife was ten years after Hawaii was annexed to the United States. Also, since it was five years after it became a territory of the United States, the immigration procedures for Korean immigrants were handled by the USCIS. Jung In-soo was born in Incheon and was introduced by Pastor Jones on the US merchant ship Gelik. Pastor Jones led the prayer meeting at the dock and gave a letter of introduction to the Hawaii Superintendent. However, most of the Koreans were assigned to sugar cane farms regardless of their ability, and Luna (the chief of the forties) ruled them with a whip, like a cow or a horse. However, from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m., he earned only about $16 per month in hard labor, and it was difficult to make a living w...

Blue Eye Musician Refurbished Abandoned Korean Style Home/Голубоглазый музыкант отремонтировал заброшенный дом в корейском стиле

Walking along the apple road in a village in Chungju, you will find a hanok(Korean style home) with a neat appearance. The landlord is a blue-eyed foreigner, Hug Sbella. The reason why she(musician) settled in an exotic land, also a traditional hanok, was because of her love for Daegaya's evil, Ureuk. At first, it was a house that was not in good condition enough to feel like a haunted house, but she has been caring for it for seven years after choosing her old house, which is more than 60 years old. A house with more musical instruments than the streets and music for 365 days a year. It's a favorite place to drink from Lauren, an American friend. Two Americans polish a wooden floor with olive oil, apply window paper, and make spaghetti and hang it on wooden poles. Let's leave Masil now with a little special hanok. ______________________________________________________________ Прогуливаясь по яблочной дороге в деревне в Чхунджу, вы найдете ханок (дом в корейском стиле...

60s Korean Countryside Fair(Market)/Корейская сельская ярмарка 60-х (рынок)

Rescued Cat off Wicked Watermelon Trap/Спасенная кошка из ловушки для злобных арбузов

Even can't I imgaine how the evil trick could squeeze the innocent cute in the hole.

Anne Frank's Best Friend Survived to Tell/Лучший друг Анны Франк выжил, чтобы рассказать

Xi(習)Assassination Plots Prompted Disasters NoTipped/Xi (習) Заговоры убийств, вызванные бедствиями Без подсказок

Did the U.S. fire a weapon from space at Tianjin, disguising the attack that killed more than 100 people as accidental explosions? Or was it an attempt to assassinate Chinese President Xi Jinping? These are just two of the bizarre conspiracy theories circulating online in the wake of the twin blasts which set off a giant fireball and devastated a vast area of the port. Other theorists claim one of China's supercomputers - which is used by the country's military and in space exploration, and is located only a mile away ______________________________________________ Разве США выпустили из космоса оружие в Тяньцзине, замаскировав атаку, в результате которой погибло более 100 человек, под случайными взрывами? Или это была попытка убийства президента Китая Си Цзиньпина? Это всего лишь две причудливые теории заговора, циркулирующие в сети после двух взрывов, которые запустили гигантский огненный шар и опустошили обширную территорию порта. Другие теоретики заявляют об одном из су...

Photo Taken Korean Dynasty Primitive Reality/Фотография сделана в примитивной реальности корейской династии

Lousy Poverty Taken South Korea 60s

102 Years Old Holocaust Survivor Emotional Family Reunion/Эмоциональное воссоединение семьи 102-летнего пережившего Холокост

Eliahu Pietruszka escaped from Poland at the beginning of the second world war thinking his entire family had perished. But two weeks ago he discovered that a younger brother had also survived and that his brother's son, 66-year-old Alexandre, was flying from Russia to see him. The reunion was made possible by a comprehensive online database of victims created by Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Given the dwindling number of survivors and their advanced ages, the event seemed likely to be among the last of its kind ___________________________________________________________ Элиаху Петрушка сбежал из Польши в начале Второй мировой войны, думая, что вся его семья погибла. Но две недели назад он обнаружил, что младший брат тоже выжил и что сын его брата, 66-летний Александр, прилетал из России, чтобы увидеть его. Воссоединение стало возможным благодаря обширной онлайн-базе данных жертв, созданной Яд Вашем, официальным мемориалом Израиля ...

Photos Reflecting Korean War/Фотографии, отражающие корейскую войну

The Korean war began on June 25, 1950, when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. By July, American troops had entered the war on South Korea’s behalf. As far as American officials were concerned, it was a war against the forces of international communism itself. After some early back-and-forth across the 38th parallel, the fighting stalled and casualties mounted with nothing to show for them. Meanwhile, American officials worked anxiously to fashion some sort of armistice with the North Koreans. The alternative, they feared, would be a wider war with Russia and China–or even, as some warned, World War III. Finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end. In all, some 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives in what man...

Clay Housing Move South Korea(Южная Корея )

This video was aired long ago by Wonju MBC's documentary plus emotion program. Wonju Soil House School Like Soil Ashram was established in 2004 by Director Je-soon Ko in order to spread ecological residential culture in terms of health move. The graphic promotion sensibly expresses Ashram's soil architecture philosophy, soil house building curriculum, and the passion and daily life of participants to build healthy residence by self __________________________________________________ Это видео было давно показано в программе «Документальный фильм плюс эмоции» Вонджу MBC. Вонджу Soil House School Like Soil Ashram была основана в 2004 году директором Дже-Сун Ко с целью распространения экологической культуры проживания с точки зрения здоровья. Графический рекламный ролик разумно выражает философию почвенной архитектуры Ашрама, учебную программу строительства почвенных домов, а также страсть и повседневную жизнь участников к построению здорового жилья самостоятельно

Korean Mama Care of Homeless LA/Корейская мама заботится о бездомных Лос-Анджелесе

LOS ANGELES — As this city tries to cope with thousands of people living on the streets, a few homeless and low-income senior citizens will be luckier than most next year. They will receive keys to one of 72 new apartments,complete with a fitness center, in the heart of trendy Koreatown, built at a projected cost of $690,692 for each unit, according to the city controller's office. Two additional projects in the pre-approval phase are expected to top $700,000 per unit in total costs _________________________________________________ ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС. Поскольку этот город пытается справиться с тысячами людей, живущих на улицах, нескольким бездомным и малообеспеченным пожилым людям в следующем году повезет больше, чем большинству. Они получат ключи от одной из 72 новых квартир с фитнес-центром в самом центре модного Корейского квартала, построенной по прогнозируемой стоимости 690 692 долларов за каждую квартиру, по данным городского диспетчерского управления. Ожидается, что на два доп...

Israel Interviewed Hitler House Maid over His Final Years/Израиль брал интервью у горничной Гитлера в его последние годы

Elizabeth Kalhammer is now a 92 year old woman. yet she has a secret story in her past. She used to work at Hitler's private estate from 1943 to 1945 KAN | Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reporter - Antonia Yamin interviewed the Former maid to Adolf Hitler - on her life at his private estate ______________________________________________________ Элизабет Калхаммер сейчас 92 года. все же у нее есть секретная история в ее прошлом. С 1943 по 1945 год работала в частной усадьбе Гитлера. KAN | Репортер Израильской радиовещательной корпорации Антония Ямин взяла интервью у бывшей горничной Адольфа Гитлера о ее жизни в его частном имении.

Flame Yakki Pork Belly South Korea/Южная Корея

Moving Produce Market South Korea/Переезд на производственный рынок Южная Корея /

Rescue Team Reaching Pregnant Goat Trapped at Cliff/Команда спасателей достигает беременной козы, пойманной в ловушку на утесе

It's been 10 days already, a goat trapped on the slope of a 90 degree cliff... The surprising reason he had to endure is pregnant. _____________________________________________ Уже прошло 10 дней, коза застряла на склоне обрыва под углом 90 градусов ... Удивительная причина, по которой ему пришлось терпеть, - беременность.

Official Tiger Hunting Squad(Chosun Dynasty) /Отряд охоты на тигров (династия Чосун)

It is said that in the Joseon Dynasty, there were as many as tiger en counter accidents as compatibility that was eaten by tigers. It is said that there were many tigers , and they were as common wild animals as wild boars. It is said that the increase in the number of tigers was due to the fact that during the Goryeo Dynasty, even if they were compatible with Buddhist ideology, they accepted fatalism and did not actively revenge or kill. Still, it is said that the Goryeo Dynasty was as compatible than the Joseon Dynasty. They kept each other's territory to some extent. However, entering the Joseon Dynasty, Korea was transformed into an agricultural-centered country. So, they actively cultivated wetlands and plains, and they made fields by clearing mountains, and they were said to have encountered wild animals. Among them, being bitten by a tiger was extremely serious, and it was said that it was a big headache for the country. __________________________________________________...

Kayabuki(Thatched) Dome Castle Oita Japan/Купол Каябуки (соломенный) Замок Оита Япония

Oita Prefecture (大分県) is located in northeast Kyushu (九州), about a 2-hour plane ride from Tokyo or a 45-minute train trip from Hakata (博多). Known to most Japanese for its famous onsen (温泉), or hot springs, and although no trip here would be complete without visiting them (and onsen sites dot our list below), there are many unique travel experiences in Oita for those willing to venture beyond the most well-advertised landmarks. I’ve listed 15 places I think are “must experience” locations that will make any trip to Oita a memorable one. And, to help you find your way just a little bit easier, I’ve provided links (as available) where you can find out more about these fun, memorable, and in some cases, adventurous destinations! Let’s start with Oita itself. _____________________________________________________________________ Префектура Оита (大分 県) расположена на северо-востоке острова Кюсю (九州), примерно в 2 часах езды на самолете от Токио или 45 минутах езды на поезде от Хакаты (...

Samurai Shaved Head to Wear Helmet/Самурай с бритой головой в шлеме

Everyone above me is wrong on this: the men in feudal Japan, shaved their heads because they were not samurai. It was a class identification method, those that were just peasants and farmers etc...shaved the top parts of their heads. Samurai are the only ones that grew their hair, and that was the way to identify the clans warriors ____________________________________________________ Все выше меня ошибаются в этом: мужчины в феодальной Японии брили головы, потому что они не были самураями. Это был метод классовой идентификации, те, кто были просто крестьянами и фермерами и т. Д., Брили себе верхнюю часть головы. Самураи - единственные, у кого отрастили волосы, и это был способ идентифицировать воинов клана.

Asian Fashion Ethnic Variety, Outdated & No Dominant Influence/Азиатская мода Этническое разнообразие, устаревшее и отсутствие доминирующего влияния

Cultural multiplicity has touched many areas of day-to-day living. One such example of the promotion of positive cultural multiplicity can be found inside the fashion industry. Open up the pages of popular magazines and you will find an impressive display of cultural stimuli. Gota Patti evokes strong feeling of Rajasthan. Tropical flowers disseminated across a shirt or skirts remind us Goan beaches. Nose pins, bindis or henna are being exhibited on the international ramps. The shapes of our clothing reflect many cultures from the flowing intricate wraps of Chania Cholis of Gujarat to simple white saris of Kerala to the simplicity of a simple tunic& skirt from North Eastern states. Different fabrics from rich textured brocades from Banaras to soft elegant Pashminas provide us with glimpses into another ethnic culture. Fashion today is at the foreground of the cultural multiplicity drive, stimulating appreciation of other humanities. ______________________________________________...

Fake Monk Buster Hongkong(Actress Turned Lawyer)/Fake Monk Buster Гонконг (актриса, ставшая юристом)

Hong Kong actress and lawyer-turned-Buddhist-crusader Mary Jean Reimer caught a Chinese man posing as a Buddhist priest in the UK. She confronted the man and forced him to disrobe on the street. But her behaviour has created some indignation in the Buddhist community, with some saying she had used violence to deal with violence. _________________________________________________ Гонконгская актриса и юрист Мэри Джин Реймер, ставшая буддистским крестоносцем, поймала китайца, изображающего из себя буддийского священника в Великобритании. Она столкнулась с мужчиной и заставила его раздеться на улице. Но ее поведение вызвало некоторое негодование в буддийском сообществе, некоторые говорили, что она использовала насилие, чтобы справиться с насилием.

Famine into Riot in India & More/Голод в бунт в Индии и не только

Famines were commonplace in India before the British arrived. 1769 - The Great Bengal Famine - 10million+ dead, The start of the famine has been attributed to a failed monsoon in 1769 that caused widespread drought and two consecutive failed rice crops. Poor infrastructure, devastation from war contributed, some argue that the tax system employed by the east India company contributed to a degree, by not effectively providing aid, but they didn’t cause the famine. 1783 - The Chalisa Famine - 11 million dead, crop failure as a result of extreme weather. ___________________________________________ Голод был обычным явлением в Индии до прибытия англичан. 1769 - Великий Бенгальский голод - погибло более 10 миллионов человек. Начало голода было приписано неудавшемуся муссону в 1769 году, который вызвал повсеместную засуху и два подряд неурожая риса. Плохая инфраструктура, разруха от войны способствовали этому, некоторые утверждают, что налоговая система, используемая восточно-индийской ...

Photos Speaking Fractions of 1900 Chosun Dynasty/Фотографии, говорящие фракции династии Чосун 1900 года

General Yi established close relationships with the neighbouring Ming dynasty (1368–1644) of China, which considered Korea a client state, and Chinese cultural influences were very strong during this period. Chosŏn’s administration was modeled after the Chinese bureaucracy, and Neo-Confucianism was adopted as the ideology of the state and society. Under the previous dynasties, ownership of land was concentrated in the hands of a few high-ranking bureaucrats, but Yi Sŏng-Gye (who ruled as King Taejo) and his successors redistributed the land throughout the various levels of officialdom, creating a new aristocracy of scholar-officials called the yangban. Scholarship flourished under the Chosŏn dynasty, and in 1443, during the reign of King Sejong, the Korean phonetic alphabet, Hangul (han’gŭl), was invented. By the time of the Chosŏn ruler King Sŏngjong (1470–94), a bureaucratic system for government administration was established. ____________________________________________________...

Russo-Japan Naval Warfare 115 Years Back/Русско-японская военно-морская война 115 лет назад

In late May 2017, it will be 112 years since the Imperial Japanese Navy’s catastrophic defeat of the Imperial Russian Navy during the Battle of Tsushima. The clash in question was a result of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 and 1905 — a conflict provoked by the Russian search for a warm-water port on the Pacific Ocean. The major Russian port in the Pacific, Vladivostok, was operational only during the summer. Port Arthur — nowadays Dalian, a naval base leased from China — was operational all the year. Before that war, Russia pursued an expansionist policy in the Far East. As one of the major European powers, Russia was in a position to dictate developments in multiple spots around the world. Japan, on the contrary, was an unknown Asian county at the end of the world — and was seriously concerned about Russian encroachment of its sphere of influence in Korea. Tokyo made an offer. It would recognize Russian dominance in northern China in exchange for Russian recognition of Japanese d...

Greenland Fermented Shark/Ферментированная гренландская акула

Greenland shark is the most toxic shark in the world. Due to its rich ammonia concentration, eating its fresh meat could even lead to death. Only after a long curing process, it becomes safe to eat. We traveled to Bjarnarhöfn, Iceland where one family has been curing Greenland sharks for hundreds of years. _________________________________________________ Гренландская акула - самая токсичная акула в мире. Из-за высокой концентрации аммиака употребление в пищу его свежего мяса может даже привести к смерти. Только после долгого отверждения его можно употреблять в пищу. Мы отправились в Бьярнархёфн, Исландия, где одна семья лечила гренландских акул на протяжении сотен лет.

Fan-mussel Flesh Sashimi/Сашими из веерной мидии

Regular soy sauce is fermented from 80 percent soybeans and 20 percent wheat. White soy sauce, or shiro-shoyu, is made from the opposite: 80 percent wheat and 20 percent soybeans. Then niboshi (tiny dried sardines), kombu (dried giant seaweed), and dried shiitake mushrooms are added to produce a more flavorful brew called shiro dashi, which can be found in Japanese and Asian markets or online. If shiro dashi is not readily available, just use a regular high-quality Japanese soy sauce. _____________________________________________________ Обычный соевый соус состоит из 80 процентов соевых бобов и 20 процентов пшеницы. Белый соевый соус, или сиро-сою, сделан из противоположного: 80 процентов пшеницы и 20 процентов соевых бобов. Затем к ним добавляют нибоси (крошечные сушеные сардины), комбу (сушеные гигантские водоросли) и сушеные грибы шиитаке, чтобы получить более ароматный напиток под названием сиро даси, который можно найти на японских и азиатских рынках или в Интернете. Если широ...

Pearls Pregnant Snail/Жемчуг Беременная Улитка

Wild Lettuce Efficacy Replacing Pain Killer Tablet/Сила дикого салата, заменяющая обезболивающее

Natural remedies, such as medicinal plants, have been used since ancient times to treat a variety of symptoms, including pain. Wild lettuce is a plant known for its pain-relieving properties. It is utilized by people interested in alternatives to conventional medications. Though wild lettuce may have several health benefits, many people are unaware of the adverse side effects that can occur from ingesting this plant. This article discusses the health benefits and potential dangers of wild lettuce. __________________________________________________ Природные средства, такие как лекарственные растения, использовались с древних времен для лечения различных симптомов, включая боль. Дикий салат - растение, известное своими болеутоляющими свойствами. Его используют люди, интересующиеся альтернативами обычным лекарствам. Хотя дикий салат может иметь несколько преимуществ для здоровья, многие люди не знают о побочных эффектах, которые могут возникнуть при употреблении этого растения. В ...

Japanese Beauty Bizarre Walking on Hefty Foot Gear/Японская красотка причудливо ходит на здоровенной ноге

The oiran are often confused with geisha but the oiran are actually the women of the night that were common in the 17-18th centuries until it was outlawed after WWII. During that era a daily procession would be seen on the streets of Yoshiwara near Asakusa where the oiran and some guards would parade down the streets as a form of advertising. Nowadays the parade is recreated by a group of locals who you would believe are the real thing if you didn't know otherwise. Oiran Dochou Procession is held as part of the Ichiyo Sakura Matsuri on the second Saturday in April.The festival includes performances on the stage by local kids, food stalls and a flea market but the main event is the Oiran Dochou Procession. The parade starts at around 1pm and goes for a couple of blocks before arriving at the main stage. The procession is stunning to look at as everyone in the parade has such beautiful and intricate costumes. ________________________________________________________ Ойранов часто...

Bamboo Bouncing Dough Kneading Noodle/Бамбуковое тесто для замешивания лапши

(CNN) — Almost as if he's climbing onto a seesaw, Hong Kong noodle master Ken Lee straddles the long bamboo pole that's hanging off the end of a heavy wooden table. The opposite end of the bamboo is hooked into a gigantic rubber band that's chained to the wall. On the table lies a fresh pile of dough, which will soon be kneaded by the bamboo as Lee bounces up and down, his feet planted on a low bench. It's all part of the process required to make jook-sing noodles, an increasingly rare food here. __________________________________________________________ (CNN) - Гонконгский мастер лапши Кен Ли, словно взбираясь на качели, оседлал длинный бамбуковый шест, свисающий с конца тяжелого деревянного стола. Противоположный конец бамбука зацеплен за гигантскую резиновую ленту, прикрепленную цепью к стене. На столе лежит свежая куча теста, которую вскоре будет месить бамбук, пока Ли подпрыгивает вверх и вниз, поставив ноги на низкую скамью. Все это часть процесса, необходимог...

Busan Exhibition of Korean International Famous Painter 조성용 화백/Пусанская выставка Де Сон Ена

Hello! Thank you for thinking of other people. There is no time to write everything because students took exams. There are very few connections with international artists. We were 2 years ago in Seoul ... they promised to promote our exhibition in Korea, but the COVID virus prevented the disease. Was 1 time in China and 1 time in Japan together with 4 of my students. We are waiting for the virus to recede. I know you have ART exhibitions in PUSAN! ______________________________________________________ Здравствуйте! Спасибо что думаете о других людях. Всё некогда написать потому что студенты сдавали экзамены. С международными художниками связей очень мало. Были 2 года назад в Сеуле... обещали нашу выставку продвигать в Корее, но болезнь вирус COVID помешал. Был 1 раз в Китае и 1 раз в Японии вместе с 4 моими студентами. Ждем когда вирус отступит. У вас в ПУСАНЕ я знаю проходят АРТ выставки!. _____________________________________________________...

The Longest Noodle Handcraft in China/Самая длинная ручная работа из лапши в Китае

China has made a new Guinness World Record by coming up with the longest handmade noodle. The 1,704-meter-long stretch of noodle was displayed during a noodle-making activity at a square in Weishan county of Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Southwest China's Yunnan province, reports the China Daily. The noodle was made within 25 minutes by thousands of participants under the supervision of a chef, surnamed Su. A total of 15 kilograms of flour and 2.5 kilograms of oil were used. _______________________________________________________ Китай установил новый мировой рекорд Гиннеса, создав самую длинную лапшу ручной работы. Лента лапши длиной 1704 метра была продемонстрирована во время производства лапши на площади в округе Вэйшань автономной префектуры Дали Бай в провинции Юньнань на юго-западе Китая, сообщает China Daily. Лапшу приготовили за 25 минут тысячи участников под руководством шеф-повара по фамилии Су. Всего было использовано 15 кг муки и 2,5 кг масла.

North Korean Economic Deputy Secretary Executed by Fire Flame Weapon/Министр экономики Северной Кореи казнен отрядом Огонь Пламя Оружие

The theatrics of North Korea’s repressive regime never fail to get attention, but Monday’s news raised — or lowered — the bar. According to this report in one of South Korea’s leading newspapers, The Chosun Ilbo, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s administration shuttered a bureaucracy once headed by Kim’s recently-executed uncle and killed or imprisoned 11 high-ranking officials. The morbid twist: Quoting an anonymous source, the paper reported that O Sang Hon, the deputy public security minister, was “executed by flamethrower.” If true, the killing shows the chilling lengths to which Kim is willing to go to expunge any trace of his executed uncle, Jang Song Thaek, once a powerful player in North Korean politics. Now, months after Jang’s execution and his temporary erasure from state media, Jang’s older sister and her husband — North Korea’s ambassador to Cuba, Jon Yong Jin — have also reportedly been executed. __________________________________________________________ Театрализ...

Peek into North Korean Lousy Poverty/Заглянуть в паршивую нищету Северной Кореи

Instead, the gases will be released into the atmosphere as harmful emissions. Fuel smell: A faulty charcoal canister, or one that’s been contaminated by gasoline, can result in a fuel smell inside or around the car. You can’t pump gas in your car: In some cases, if the charcoal canister is clogged or can’t vent,... ___________________________________________________ Вместо этого газы будут выбрасываться в атмосферу в виде вредных выбросов. Запах топлива. Неисправная канистра с древесным углем или канистра, загрязненная бензином, может вызвать запах топлива внутри или вокруг автомобиля. Вы не можете заправлять бензин в машине: в некоторых случаях, если канистра с углем забита или не выходит из строя, ...

Nazareth Jejus Boyhood Home town/Назарет Родной город отрочества Иисуса

Nazareth, Arabic an-Nāṣira, Hebrew Naẕerat, historic city of Lower Galilee, in northern Israel; it is the largest Arab city of the country. In the New Testament Nazareth is associated with Jesus as his boyhood home, and in its synagogue he preached the sermon that led to his rejection by his fellow townsmen. The city is now a centre of Christian pilgrimage. ______________________________________________ Назарет, арабский ан-Нахира, иврит Накерат, исторический город Нижней Галилеи на севере Израиля; это крупнейший арабский город страны. В Новом Завете Назарет ассоциируется с Иисусом как с домом его отрочества, и в его синагоге он проповедовал проповедь, которая привела к его отвержению со стороны земляков. Город сейчас является центром христианского паломничества.

Good Samaritan Tribe Dying Off 4 family Remained/Племя добрых самаритян вымирает Осталось 4 семьи

n 586 B.C., the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonian Empire once and for all, as the walls of Jerusalem were breached, the temple was destroyed, and the city walls torn down. Samaritans are first mentioned in the Bible in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the 5th century B.C. At this point, Babylon had given way to the Persian Empire. Nehemiah, a Jew, curried favor with the king and was able to return to Jerusalem to rebuild. However, the Samaritans remaining in the land opposed the rebuilding efforts and caused problems for Nehemiah and his fellow workers (Nehemiah 6:1-14). This was the beginning of a long-lasting hatred between Jews and Samaritans. ________________________________________________ В 586 г. до н.э. южное царство Иудеи пал перед Вавилонской империей раз и навсегда, поскольку стены Иерусалима были прорваны, храм был разрушен, а городские стены разрушены. Впервые самаритяне упоминаются в Библии в книгах Ездры и Неемии в V веке до нашей эры. На этом мест...

What was like Jejus Teen-No shedding light on It/Что было похоже на Иисуса-подростка - на это не пролил свет

Capernaum, Douai Capharnaum, modern Kefar Naḥum, ancient city on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. It was Jesus’ second home and, during the period of his life, a garrison town, an administrative centre, and a customs station. Jesus chose his disciples Peter, Andrew, and Matthew from Capernaum and performed many of his miracles there. The long dispute over Kefar Naḥum’s identification with Capernaum was settled by excavations begun in 1905 by H. Kohl and C. Watzinger, and completed by the Franciscans. Among the remains discovered during the excavations was a rectangular synagogue dating from the 2nd–3rd century AD; an older synagogue dating from the time of Christ may be buried beneath its foundation. _______________________________________________________ Капернаум, Дуэ Капарнаум, современный Кефар Наум, древний город на северо-западном берегу Галилейского моря, Израиль. Это был второй дом Иисуса, а в период его жизни - гарнизонный город, административный центр...

Chosun Dynasty Diplomatic Mission to Japan Shogun/Дипломатическая миссия династии Чосун в Японии сёгуна

If the ambassador had been in Japan, there was no need for such a shame. It's a mournful due to Japanese coercion, but it's beautifying it as if diplomatic mission. Japanese national policy to confirm master-loyal relationship. Did they play the role of spies peep into Japanese strong hold? Didn't the mission journey dent into national monetary property? How mission journey was funded? Did they get payed way back home from Japan? The mission procession turned into a spectacle. Didn't even include pretty girls in tribute list? Why didn't they reveal the tribute items? ____________________________________________________ Если бы посол был в Японии, не было бы нужды в таком позоре. Это печально из-за японского принуждения, но оно украшает его как если дипломатическая миссия. Японская национальная политика для подтверждения лояльных отношений господина. Играли ли они роль шпионов, заглядывающих в японскую твердыню? Разве поездка с миссией не повлияла на...

Photo Taken Korean History Epic Roosevelt Daughter Visit/Фотография сделана с визитом дочери Рузвельта в истории Кореи

In the summer of 1905, the world was a scary place for Korea. The Russo-Japanese War had recently ended but Korea was still occupied by Japanese troops and pressure from the Japanese government was increasing almost daily. Thus, when Emperor Gojong learned that Alice Roosevelt, the daughter of American President Theodore Roosevelt, was traveling with a diplomatic mission to Asia and would soon arrive in Korea, he began preparations to welcome her in a stately manner. It was perhaps the Emperor’s hope that he could favorably impress her and thus ensure her father’s aid with the Japanese. ______________________________________________________________ Летом 1905 года мир был страшным местом для Кореи. Русско-японская война недавно закончилась, но Корея все еще была оккупирована японскими войсками, и давление со стороны японского правительства усиливалось почти ежедневно. Таким образом, когда император Годжонг узнал, что Алиса Рузвельт, дочь американского президента Теодора Рузвельта...

Korean Traditional Funeral Features/Традиционные корейские похороны

Hundreds of South Koreans on Friday bid farewell to Kim Bok-dong, a South Korean victim of sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II, near the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, where she has attended a weekly rally demanding an apology from Japan. About 1,000 mourners, according to the organizer Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance, came together for a send-off ceremony for Kim, who died late Monday after battling cancer for about a year. Despite biting cold, the organizers and citizens followed a hearse carrying the deceased from Seoul Plaza to the location of the ceremony, where the Japanese Embassy used to be. Back then no hearse transportation to burial site. The proecession is slow step by step. Every community keeps funeral equips and tools in funersl storage near trodden path.

North Korean Soldier Breeding Ducks/Северокорейский солдат разводит уток

By Jeong Tae Joo - 2020.07.09 2:49pm North Korean military authorities recently handed down an order to soldiers and their families to raise more rabbits and, in an unprecedented move, included a specific number of rabbits each soldier and family should breed. According to a military source in the country on June 7, the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces (MPAF) ordered that each soldier must breed “1.5 rabbits of at least 3.5 kilograms.” The order instructed the households of each soldier to “breed 15 rabbits” while stating that an “evaluation” of their progress in raising the rabbits would be held at an unspecified date before late August. Given that summer military drills began on July 1, the new order is expected to place a significant burden on soldiers. A company of 130 soldiers, for example, would have to breed at least 195 large rabbits in addition to participating in military drills. Indeed, since the order was handed down, soldiers have been tasked with expanding the num...

Koreans Hate Russian?/Корейцы ненавидят Россию? Нет

The 38th parallel that divides the korean landmass today, owes its history to the conflict between two ideologies. In 1896, the Japanese government proposed to the Russian government that Korea should be split in half along the 38th parallel, with Russia taking control of the north. This probably would have saved everyone a lot of trouble down the line, but the Russians balked and Japan consolidated its hold of Korea in 1910. Present day North korea was backed by the Russians(communists) and south korea by USA or the UN(capitalists) during the world war. The war ended by a ceasefire and not a proper peace treaty.Thus,they are technically still at war! ___________________________________________________________ 38-я параллель, которая сегодня разделяет территорию Кореи, обязана своей историей конфликту двух идеологий. В 1896 году японское правительство предложило российскому правительству разделить Корею пополам по 38-й параллели, чтобы Россия взяла под свой контроль север. Это, ве...

Baked Bread Sandwich/Запеченный сэндвич с хлебом

By using your oven you are sure to save time and make deliciously crunchy and gooey sandwiches. Layer bread with meats and cheeses, allow the filling to melt and the bread to crisp up, and make a side salad while the main is warming up. Substitute our suggestions with your favorite meat, cheese, veggie, bread, or sauce to make your own version of a filling and flavorful sandwich. _________________________________________________ Используя духовку, вы наверняка сэкономите время и приготовите восхитительно хрустящие и липкие бутерброды. Слоите хлеб с мясом и сырами, дайте начинке растаять, а хлеб - хрустящим, и сделайте гарнир, пока основное блюдо нагревается. Замените наши предложения вашим любимым мясом, сыром, овощами, хлебом или соусом, чтобы приготовить свой собственный вариант начинки и ароматного сэндвича.

North Korean Street Poor Stall/Северокорейский уличный киоск с плохим товаром

PYONGYANG, North Korea – Street stalls that offer North Koreans a place to spend – or make – money on everything from snow cones to DVDs are flourishing in Pyongyang and other North Korean cities, modest but growing forms of private commerce in a country where capitalism is officially anathema. In sharp contrast to the common but semiclandestine activities of old women hawking loose cigarettes on city backstreets or farmers selling their produce in makeshift fruit stands along highways, the kiosks appear to have the support of some important backers and are both conspicuous and spreading fast. Near Pyongyang’s main train station, for example, a hamburger stand is doing good business. A few blocks away is a kiosk that stocks buns and bakery goods. Other kiosks sell flowers, soft drinks and junk food. Since it’s summer now, the big items are snow cones and ice cream, affordably priced at less than $1 U.S. In the winter, it’s roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes and hot drinks. Most o...

Spicy Chinese Mutton Noodle/Острая китайская лапша с бараниной

Japanese Abalone Dish

DirectionsInstructions Checklist Step 1 Slice the abalone into 1/4 inch thick steaks, making sure to trim off any meat that is not white, as this part tends to be very tough. Place the steaks on a cutting board, and pound with a meat tenderizer until pliable. Step 2 In a small bowl, stir together the ketchup, horseradish, and lime juice to make a cocktail sauce. Refrigerate until ready to use. Step 3 Heat olive oil in a large heavy skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Whisk eggs and milk together in a shallow dish. Place bread crumbs in a large resealable plastic bag. Dip the abalone steaks in egg, then place in the bag with the crumbs and shake to coat. Step 4 Fry coated abalone for 3 to 5 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Remove to paper towels to drain. Place on a platter, and garnish with lime slices and parsley. Serve with the cocktail sauce for dipping.

Chinese Pot-lid Noodle/Китайская лапша с крышкой от кастрюли

Pot-lid noodles are a specialty of Zhenjiang in eastern China. Their name comes from the way they’re cooked—with a small, wooden lid floating in the water. Shop owners swear it makes a difference, but does it really? We went to Zhenjiang to try it for ourselves. _____________________________________________ Лапша с крышкой от кастрюли - фирменное блюдо Чжэньцзяна на востоке Китая. Их название происходит от способа их приготовления - с небольшой деревянной крышкой, плавающей в воде. Владельцы магазинов клянутся, что это имеет значение, но так ли это на самом деле? Мы поехали в Чжэньцзян, чтобы попробовать это на себе. _______________________________________________________ These noodles are cooked with a lid in the water Pot-lid noodles are a specialty of Zhenjiang, where shopkeepers insist their particular cooking method makes a difference. In the city of Zhenjiang in eastern China, shops cook noodles with an unusual feature: a small wooden lid floating in the water. Known fitt...

Japanese Ryokan(旅館) Distinctive Cultures

A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn, the origins of which lie way back in the Edo period (1603-1868). First designed to accommodate passing travelers, they now offer guests a dip into Japan’s past and culture. The traditional nature of ryokans makes knowing a little about the country’s etiquette rules and ways of doing things beforehand quite handy. We’re here to give you a comprehensive guide to ryokans as well as offer 25 recommendations of the best ryokans Japan has to offer… The ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn which were for centuries the relaxation retreats of the Japanese bourgeoisie. Today, they are no longer reserved exclusively for the rich yet still manage to retain their air of elegant grandeur. However, should you want the ultimate ryokan experience, you’re still going to have to dig pretty deep into your wallet. This is your chance to live like a Japanese feudal lord for a night or two, in a setting of luxury and comfort, looked after by the most respectful and c...

Korean Street Food/Taiyaki Mold Bread Got Back Que Beating Pandemic Slump/Хлеб от плесени вернулся, превзойдя пандемический спад;

It is getting difficult to find a street vendor, but inquiries to start-ups increased rapidly. Self-employed people who closed their business due to Corona 19 or whose sales fell, are going to sell Taiyaki. In the case of a taiyaki bread vendor, the threshold is low as they rent out household items free of charge for only 300,000 won in the initial startup cost based on Seoul. In fact, in the online community of self-employed people, there are many articles such as "I close the gym and sell taiyaki bread by social distancing," and "It's a pub on the 1st floor, but after 9pm I sell takoyaki in front of the store. ____________________________________________________ Найти уличного торговца становится сложно, но запросы к стартапам быстро росли. Самостоятельные предприниматели, которые закрыли свой бизнес из-за Corona 19 или чьи продажи упали, собираются продавать Taiyaki. В случае продавца хлеба тайяки порог невысок, так как они сдают в аренду предметы домашнего оби...

Hundreds North Korean Elites Ready to Flee/Сотни северокорейских элит готовы бежать

Kim Jong Un has fled the North Korean capital for the coast in a bid to escape coronavirus, an insider has claimed. A source in South Korea said the Supreme Leader fled Pyongyang for Wonsan on the nation's east coast amid growing fears over the virus. 'Intelligence analysis suggests that Kim Jong-un has been away from Pyongyang for a considerable time,' the source told Chosun Ilbo. 'This appears to be connected with the coronavirus outbreak.'

Only Soba Restaurant Osaka/Millstone Powdered Decades Back

Noodles are a beloved food in Japan. There are many different kinds of noodles you can try if you happen to visit the country. One of these kinds of noodles is called “soba”. Soba noodles are buckwheat noodles. In the category of soba, there are three very famous dishes; Wanko soba from Morioka, Togakushi soba from Nagano, and a special dish called “Izumo soba”. This is the dish that we will be introducing today. Izumo soba is a local cuisine that is widely eaten in the Izumo region of Shimane Prefecture, which is located next to Hiroshima. You may be wondering what makes Izumo soba different from other kinds of soba. The answer is that Izumo soba is that the buckwheat flour used to make Izumo soba is made from buckwheat seeds which have not had the hulls removed, whereas normally for making soba the hulls would be removed. The seeds along with the hulls are ground on a millstone to make the flour for the soba. This gives the noodles a darker color and also a stronger buckwheat flav...

Korean Ethnic Restaurant(在日同胞) Osaka/Корейский этнический ресторан Осака

Documented guideance is hard to ckeck out. What is specific is Korean Hormone Menu, cooked with pork intestines Japanese throwned away. What a humiliations even at dish! Now Korean ehtnics much assmilated to Japanese culture. The left over pork"hormone dish" reversed into main culture. Discrimination is still there, but far less than Mother nation poverty stircken. Now national pride is reviving alledged. _______________________________________________ Документированное руководство сложно проверить. Что специфично, так это корейское гормональное меню, приготовленное со свиными кишками, выброшенными японцами. Какое унижение даже в блюде! Сейчас корейский стиль во многом похож на японскую культуру. Оставшееся «гормональное блюдо» из свинины превратилось в основную культуру. Дискриминация все еще существует, но гораздо меньше, чем разжигание бедности материнской нации. Теперь возрождается национальная гордость.

Curry Soba(Noodle)Curry Boosting Immunity/Карри Соба (Лапша).Карри повышает иммунитет

Curry powder is a mixture of spices that take on a yellow hue. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a staple ingredient in Indian cooking. Curry powder was created by the British to evoke the essence of Indian food and is not used in authentic Indian cooking. The confusion may come from a popular Indian dish known as "curry," but that term refers not to the spice blend but to the dish itself, which is made up of a sauce or gravy along with meat and vegetables. The spice blend most often used in an Indian curry is garam masala. One of the main ingredients in curry powder is turmeric. Other spices that can be incorporated include everything from ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and cloves to mustard seed, black pepper, and fennel seed.

Puppy Nursery/South Korea

I'm a local in-home breeder in the SoCal area. I started raising puppies after I stopped raising children (had a home daycare for 21+yrs). I love providing care during pregnancy, birth, & the baby days. All my adults & puppies are raised in my home. They are showered with lots of love & attention by their fur mama & human mama since birth & thus are very well socialized. I'm dedicated to placing my pups only in great homes, where I know they will be spoiled rotten & treated like part of the family. If you happen to be someone that would, please don't hesitate to contact me. ~ Yolanda (& my daughter, Veronica)

Global Unusual Animal Top 10/Headless Camel Alive Illusioned

PIC BY Sanjeev Nijhawan / Caters News The perfectly-timed optical illusion photo shows the camel standing still while his head was turned the other way. Sanjeev said: “I saw a herd of camels crossing the road. It was a sight I couldn’t resist clicking. PIC BY Sanjeev Nijhawan / Caters News “I stopped and went towards the herd and suddenly at a distance I saw this camel with his head turned around which looked like a headless camel. “I had around five seconds to get the photo before he pulled his head up again.”

Plate-stone Cave Temple/South Korea

Gorilla with Baby Mating Dog

The mother provides most of the care to infants and juveniles, feeding, grooming and socializing them. Tool use has also been observed in some gorilla populations and the mother would teach this as well. The silverback is charged with the protection of his offspring and females from other silverbacks.

Mom Dog Called For Human to Rescue 5 Puppies/Мама-собака призвала человека спасти 5 щенков

Northeast Animal Rescue got a call about a stray female dog near an overpass. She sometimes appeared on the roadside expecting food from passers-by. We rushed there immediately and found her, which turned out to be a nursing mother. The task became saving a family. We tried to dispel her concerns so that we could find the puppies quickly. Despite hesitation, she seemed to want our help. Eventually she decided to trust in us and led us to her baby hiding in a culvert pipe. Five puppies were rescued with their mother. Mom and babies are living a stable life now, but there are still many mothers and babies need help. __________________________________________________________ Служба спасения животных Северо-Востока получила звонок о бездомной собаке возле эстакады. Иногда она появлялась на обочине дороги, ожидая еды от прохожих. Мы тут же бросились туда и нашли ее, которая оказалась кормящей матерью. Задачей стало спасение семьи. Мы постарались развеять ее опасения, чтобы быстро найти ...

Korean Hermitage Remote,Wild Settlement Pioneer/Пионер дикого поселения

How do they prepare a place for survival in the barren mountains? Spirit, struggle, and tenacity to survive with bare hands Even though it seems more difficult than social life, he/she has succeeded in pioneering and is making a good survival. He is more familiar with life than Hermitage. They are not homeless. Dear family heads. The family members are scraping by to some extent. Only oneself had difficulty in social success or dug into the mountain due to health problems. It is great for them to open up new life and settle down. I don't want to see them as social losers. Rather, I want to say that they are successful people who have challenged their new life. Moreover, they are not bad guys. But what is the relationship with the mountain owners even though they settle in the mountains like this? The landlord is getting touch with him. They have settled as a mountain monitor. As he wanders the zone, becomes naturally a manager. Whereby do they sometimes offer treasure plants ...

Korean Heavy Pack Carrier Steep Hiking

Covid-19 Created Source Fingered at/Japan ________________________________

Ultimate Food Decorations/5 Потрясающих Способов Украсить Десерт Шоколадом

A beautiful dessert decorated with intricate chocolate figurines - it seems that this can only be seen in a restaurant or in a cooking show, but not in your own kitchen. But it is worth trying at least once on your own to prepare a beautiful sweet decor from melted chocolate, in order to understand that in fact it is much easier to prepare it than we think. We continue to reveal the secrets of pastry chefs in a new selection of stunningly spectacular chocolate decorating recipes.

Monster Extra Horns of Wild Hogs/Killing Self

North Korean Nuke Storage Fortress/No Crumble Security

Впервые было открыто недавно построенное Северной Кореей хранилище ядерных боеголовок Маньпо. Ураноперерабатывающий завод в Пхёнсане, завод по обогащению урана в Йонбёне провинции Северный Пхёнан и склад ядерных боеголовок Маньпхо в провинции Чаган. Они анализируют, почему Ким Чен Ын снова и снова выбирал Маньпо. До самого конца он может хранить свое ядерное оружие в безопасности, а в худшем случае, даже если вы сбежите, он может схватить ядерное оружие и выяснить, где он может угрожать. ------------------------------------------------------ The Manpo nuclear warhead storage facility, recently built by North Korea, was opened for the first time. The Pyongsan uranium processing plant, the Yongbyon uranium enrichment plant in North Pyongan province, and the Manpo nuclear warhead depot in Chagan province. They analyze why Kim Jong Un chose Manpo over and over again. Until the very end, he can keep his nuclear weapons safe, and in the worst case, even if you escape, he can grab the nucl...

Scallion Pancake/葱煎饼

I know that many Chinese restaurants in the world providing this lovely pancake. However, making some at home is a nice experience. Only with simple and everyday ingredients, we can make our own extremely aromatic scallion pancakes. In China, there are, actually, several types of scallion pancakes. In northern provinces, scallion pancake (this version) is thinner, chewy and with less oil. In Southern China, for example, Shanghai, scallion pancakes are thicker and fried with a larger amount of oil and create a even more crispy shell and softer inner part. ________________________________________________________ Я знаю, что во многих китайских ресторанах мира готовят этот прекрасный блин. Тем не менее, приготовить их дома - хорошее занятие. Только из простых и повседневных ингредиентов мы можем приготовить наши собственные невероятно ароматные блины с луком. В Китае на самом деле есть несколько видов оладий с луком. В северных провинциях блинчики с луком (эта версия) более жидкие, жев...

Jack Ma Missing Tipped/Xi Regime Victim? in Custody?

Getting into the brand new yr, the Chinese language authorities is sending combined messages to international traders. Simply because it begins opening its monetary system to abroad establishments, the Chinese language Communist Celebration is pursuing a high-profile crackdown on the nation’s single most outstanding businessman.

Son Heung Min Contributing to Tottenham for Carabao Cup Final

Named after the strong-willed water buffalo of Thailand, Carabao is a great tasting & low-calorie energy drink. At only 63 calories per can and half the sugar of Red Bull, it’s available in a variety of fruity flavours to give a refreshing boost and help you face life's everyday challenges. Carabao is a major global energy drink brand, which launched into the UK in 2016 and is known for key football sponsorships with the Carabao Cup and Chelsea FC. _______________________________________________________________ Названный в честь волевого буйвола Таиланда, Карабао - это низкокалорийный энергетический напиток с отличным вкусом. Всего 63 калории на банку и половину сахара Red Bull, он доступен с различными фруктовыми вкусами, чтобы придать бодрость и помочь вам справиться с повседневными жизненными проблемами. Carabao - крупный мировой бренд энергетических напитков, который был запущен в Великобритании в 2016 году и известен ключевыми футбольными спонсорами Кубка Карабао и Chel...

Family Wearing Mask Home/Municipal Call South Korea

The house is also not a safe zone for Corona 19. Recently, as the number of cases of infection spread between families has increased, the city of Gwangju has called for the use of masks in the home. According to the city of Gwangju on the 6th, a total of 200 cases of Corona 19 infection between families in the last two weeks were identified as 55 households. In Gwangju, a number of confirmed cases have recently occurred through various channels, such as nursing homes, nursing hospitals, churches, and doctors' sports clubs, while the outbreak of confirmed cases with unknown infection routes and the spread of additional infections through contact are continuing. In this process, the family of the confirmed patient is also frequently infected. Accordingly, Gwangju City stated that it is important to observe the quarantine regulations with families. __________________________________________________________ ​Дом также не является безопасной зоной для Corona 19. В последнее...

Hot Noodle From Japanese Vending Machine/自販機

Trying Ramen Noodles and Fried Rice from vending machines in Tokyo. These vending machines are located in Sagamihara in Kanagawa Japan.

Kizanashi Kaiseki Cuisine(Japanese)/Ultimate Exquisite

Japanese cuisine is among the most highly regarded in the world, and nowhere is Japan’s culinary prowess better demonstrated than in kaiseki elegantly presented dishes. It started as a simple meal meant to accompany Japanese cuisine. Kaiseki is a traditional Japanese tasting course comprised of many small, tea ceremonies, but over the centuries this culinary tradition has become the pinnacle of Japanese haute cuisine. _____________________________________________________________

Seized Korean Chemical Tanker for Bargain Chips to Release Frozen Iranian Fund At South Korean Bank

Tensions between the United States and Iran are likely to further escalate once again after Tehran seized a South Korean-flagged chemical tanker in the Persian Gulf, according to semi-official Iranian news agencies, and announced it had resumed enriching uranium to 20% purity, far beyond the limits laid out in the 2015 nuclear deal. President Donald Trump walked away from the agreement in 2018.

Overnight Sleeper Train Takamats(高松) -Tokyo(東京)

The Sleeper Express SUNRISE SETO & IZUMO are the only trains in Japan that runs every day. It takes more time than airplanes and bullet trains. However, you can go to the destination directly and save on one night accommodation. 녀태 해맞이 열차만 야간침대차였는데 이번에는일반 고속침대열차. 언제통일되면 부산에서 침대열차 타고 평양가는날 오려나.

Konyaku Farmer Final Process Imapressive Freeze Dry/Konyaku Noodle

Toshi Nakajima has been producing shimi-konnyaku for almost 40 years. The traditional Japanese food product is naturally freeze dried, high in fiber and low in calories. __________________________________________________ Shirataki (白滝, often written with the hiragana しらたき) are translucent, gelatinous traditional Japanese noodles made from the konjac yam (devil's tongue yam or elephant yam).[1] The word "shirataki" means white waterfall, referring to the appearance of these noodles. Largely composed of water and glucomannan, a water-soluble dietary fiber, they are very low in digestible carbohydrates and calories, and have little flavor of their own.[2][3][4] Shirataki noodles come in dry and soft "wet" forms in Asian markets and some supermarkets. When purchased wet, they are packaged in liquid. They normally have a shelf life of up to one year. Some brands require rinsing or parboiling, as the water in the packaging has an odor some find unpleasant.[5][6]...